Hi all,
I'm using ivreg2 to analyse panel data in stata 18.0. My regression is looking at returns to education by ethnicity using a standard mincer equation and I am using a compulsory schooling law as an instrument for years of education:
Where I control for region, gender, experience, experience squared and parents occupation. When I run this regression as a naive pooled OLS using regress I get positive and significant results for years of education (around 0.13) but using ivreg2 I get negative significant results of a larger magnitude (around -0.16). Just to note, this only happens when I include the variables c.exp c.exp#c.exp and parentsoc, not the other controls.
This is quite confusing for more as the instrument I've used is quite a popular one in the literature to show a positive effect of education on earnings. Have I gone terribly wrong somewhere?
Thank you all for help,
I'm using ivreg2 to analyse panel data in stata 18.0. My regression is looking at returns to education by ethnicity using a standard mincer equation and I am using a compulsory schooling law as an instrument for years of education:
ivreg2 log_hrly_wage (c.yeduc#i.ethnic = i.RoslaD#i.ethnic) i.region i.female c.exp c.exp#c.exp i.parentsoc, first robust
This is quite confusing for more as the instrument I've used is quite a popular one in the literature to show a positive effect of education on earnings. Have I gone terribly wrong somewhere?
Thank you all for help,