I would like to use the value label list exported by "fre" command in a loop to make some conditions. And, i want all values labels (including 0 freq)
How can i check in a loop if A and B are the same (or if foreign and foreign2 have same values labels, not only the same value label name).
With something like that : If A=B then display "Yes"
With my exemple, A and B are not the same (Domestic, foreign, test vs domestic and foreign) so i don't want to display "Yes". So my loop doesn't work
I would like to use the value label list exported by "fre" command in a loop to make some conditions. And, i want all values labels (including 0 freq)
sysuse auto, clear label define origin 0 "Domestic" 1 "Foreign" 2 "Test", replace label define origin2 0 "Domestic" 1 "Foreign", replace gen foreign2 = foreign label values foreign2 origin2 fre foreign, includelabeled novalue local A "`r(lab_valid)'" fre foreign2, includelabeled novalue local B "`r(lab_valid)'" if "`A'"=="`B'" { display "oui" }
With something like that : If A=B then display "Yes"
With my exemple, A and B are not the same (Domestic, foreign, test vs domestic and foreign) so i don't want to display "Yes". So my loop doesn't work