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  • Interpretation of margins plot that not significant in slope change in Growth Curve Model

    I'm a master student studying sociology.
    Using the growth curve model, I examine the relationship between age discrimination and depressive symptoms in older adults and the moderating effect of social participation in the relationship.

    X: age discrimination(earlyret)
    Y: depressive symptoms(cesd)
    Moderators: social participation(fm_v4)

    My question is...

    1) In my model, the slope of direct effect( social participation) was not significant ( please see the red line, fm_v4#c.c_age).
    2) Also, interaction effect (social participation*age discrimination) was not significant (please see the red line, earlyret#fm_v4#c.c_age)
    3) Therefore, the intercept are only significant in my model.

    . mixed cesd ($indi $health i.infm_v2 i.earlyret##i.fm_v4)##c.c_age || pid: c_age, cov(un)
    Performing EM optimization ...
    Performing gradient-based optimization: 
    Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -17364.477  
    Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -17359.326  
    Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -17359.321  
    Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -17359.321  
    Computing standard errors ...
    Mixed-effects ML regression                          Number of obs    =  6,335
    Group variable: pid                                  Number of groups =  1,763
                                                         Obs per group:
                                                                      min =      1
                                                                      avg =    3.6
                                                                      max =      8
                                                         Wald chi2(28)    = 351.62
    Log likelihood = -17359.321                          Prob > chi2      = 0.0000
                      cesd | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                     c_age |  -.0103718   .1001608    -0.10   0.918    -.2066833    .1859397
                  1.female |  -.0074826    .272614    -0.03   0.978    -.5417963    .5268311
                       edu |
                        2  |  -.5330101   .2889121    -1.84   0.065    -1.099267    .0332472
                        3  |    .080262   .3877078     0.21   0.836    -.6796313    .8401552
                   lg_hinc |  -.2996866   .1384337    -2.16   0.030    -.5710118   -.0283615
                1.maritalb |   -1.54429   .3369001    -4.58   0.000    -2.204602    -.883978
                   0.urban |   .4072159   .3235032     1.26   0.208    -.2268386     1.04127
           |  -1.323011   .3347397    -3.95   0.000    -1.979089   -.6669336
           1.firselfhealth |    .590916   .1739587     3.40   0.001     .2499632    .9318688
                   chronic |   .1370472   .1383622     0.99   0.322    -.1341378    .4082322
                 1.infm_v2 |  -.9681479    .166661    -5.81   0.000    -1.294798   -.6414983
                1.earlyret |   1.726809   .4565981     3.78   0.000     .8318932    2.621725
                   1.fm_v4 |  -.5888003   .2376224    -2.48   0.013    -1.054532   -.1230689
            earlyret#fm_v4 |
                      1 1  |  -1.076948   .5064372    -2.13   0.033    -2.069546   -.0843493
           c.c_age#c.c_age |  -.0061064   .0019121    -3.19   0.001    -.0098541   -.0023588
            female#c.c_age |
                        1  |  -.0322041   .0233002    -1.38   0.167    -.0778716    .0134633
               edu#c.c_age |
                        2  |  -.0242902   .0256213    -0.95   0.343    -.0745071    .0259267
                        3  |   .0378368   .0332827     1.14   0.256     -.027396    .1030697
         c.lg_hinc#c.c_age |   .0001526   .0114428     0.01   0.989    -.0222749      .02258
          maritalb#c.c_age |
                        1  |   .0060822   .0337838     0.18   0.857    -.0601327    .0722972
             urban#c.c_age |
                        0  |   .0272908   .0292365     0.93   0.351    -.0300117    .0845932
              baby#c.c_age |
                        1  |  -.1048218   .0343953    -3.05   0.002    -.1722354   -.0374082
     firselfhealth#c.c_age |
                        1  |  -.0247417   .0186391    -1.33   0.184    -.0612736    .0117902
         c.chronic#c.c_age |   -.005467   .0151906    -0.36   0.719      -.03524     .024306
           infm_v2#c.c_age |
                        1  |  -.0331699   .0167057    -1.99   0.047    -.0659125   -.0004273
          earlyret#c.c_age |
                        1  |   .0359466   .0492728     0.73   0.466    -.0606262    .1325195
             fm_v4#c.c_age |
                        1  |  -.0388203   .0235069    -1.65   0.099    -.0848929    .0072524
    earlyret#fm_v4#c.c_age |
                      1 1  |  -.0780107   .0540975    -1.44   0.149    -.1840398    .0280185
                     _cons |   9.588647   1.134577     8.45   0.000     7.364916    11.81238
      Random-effects parameters  |   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
    pid: Unstructured            |
                      var(c_age) |    .040588   .0061177      .0302064    .0545378
                      var(_cons) |   12.76785   .9137959      11.09679    14.69056
                cov(c_age,_cons) |     .58007   .0673852      .4479975    .7121425
                   var(Residual) |   9.741261   .2304172       9.29996     10.2035
    LR test vs. linear model: chi2(3) = 1032.02               Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
    Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference.
    So I expected margins plot that there are no slope differences.
    However, in my figure, there are a slope difference.
    How can I explain these situation?
    Click image for larger version

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    Thank you for reading my post!


  • #2
    You have an awful lot of interactions in your model. It probably means you are trying to extract more information from your data than is present in your data. Remember that not significant does not mean the effect is not there, it only means that you cannot find it.
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz

