Hi I'm coding a series of histograms at each value of a factor variable. This works fine, per syntax below:
local x DIS1-DIS50
foreach y of varlist `x' {
hist distance if year ==5 & `y'==1, normal ///
title ("Histogram of DIS score 2022/23:" "`y'")
graph export "dis_hist/`y'.png", replace
In addition, I want to add a line to indicate the mean and median, taking these values from the return list in the summarise command:
(this applies to the full distribution of distance, my loop breaks this out into teh dis groups)
sum distance, d
hist distance if year ==5 ///
xline(`r(mean)', lcolor(red) lwidth (vthin)) ///
xline(`r(p50)', lcolor(gs4) lwidth (vthin)) ///
I'm having trouble thinking about how to incorporate this instruction within the loop, so that each histogram shows the xline at mean and median. Do you have any advice on how I could do this? I'm feeling my way a bit with loops
local x DIS1-DIS50
foreach y of varlist `x' {
hist distance if year ==5 & `y'==1, normal ///
title ("Histogram of DIS score 2022/23:" "`y'")
graph export "dis_hist/`y'.png", replace
In addition, I want to add a line to indicate the mean and median, taking these values from the return list in the summarise command:
(this applies to the full distribution of distance, my loop breaks this out into teh dis groups)
sum distance, d
hist distance if year ==5 ///
xline(`r(mean)', lcolor(red) lwidth (vthin)) ///
xline(`r(p50)', lcolor(gs4) lwidth (vthin)) ///
I'm having trouble thinking about how to incorporate this instruction within the loop, so that each histogram shows the xline at mean and median. Do you have any advice on how I could do this? I'm feeling my way a bit with loops