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  • Checking Interaction terms for significance using F-tests

    Hi everyone I was wondering if I could please get some help with my regressions to get an F-test rather than a chi2 statistic, as my dissertation advisor has requested it in that format. Noting I have checked both the help and pdf file but none of the solution that proposed worked for me. I am aiming to interpret whether trust has differential effect across regions.

    My code of interest is:

    "ivregress 2sls log_GDP_pcc l.log_GDP_pcc log_educ log_ndg (log_GCF = l.log_GCF) log_general_trust Europe South_America North_America Asia Africa logged_trustx_Europe logged_trustx_South_America logged_trustx_North_America logged_trustx_Asia logged_trustx_Oceania logged_trustx_Africa i.Year, first robust

    test log_general_trust-=logged_trustx_Europe=0"

    Also if any one had any advise of how to demonstrate an F-test in pleasing way for my dissertation results that would be really helpful.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to consider this.

    yours sincerely,

    James Warrell

    P.s: Sorry if the solution is blaringly obvious.
    Last edited by Jame Warrell; 26 Mar 2024, 06:08.

  • #2
    HTML Code:
    I wouldn't think that test line would work. Lots of excess characters.

    What is trustx? Mean of the region?

    To test whether mpg has different effects across rep78 using the F-test, something like this might work:
    sysuse auto, clear
    ivregress 2sls price mpg c.mpg#i.rep78 weight i.rep78 (displacement = gear_ratio), first robust
    local df = `e(N)' - (`e(df_m)' + 1)
    margins, dydx(mpg) over(rep78) post
    test _b[mpg:1.rep78] = _b[mpg:2.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:1.rep78] = _b[mpg:3.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:1.rep78] = _b[mpg:4.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:1.rep78] = _b[mpg:5.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:2.rep78] = _b[mpg:3.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:2.rep78] = _b[mpg:4.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:2.rep78] = _b[mpg:5.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:3.rep78] = _b[mpg:4.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:3.rep78] = _b[mpg:5.rep78] , df(`df')
    test _b[mpg:4.rep78] = _b[mpg:5.rep78] , df(`df')
    Last edited by George Ford; 26 Mar 2024, 11:28.


    • #3
      trust x region i.e.:Asia is an interaction term between a region and the reported value in trust from the World Value Survey dataset. I'll try the code you've provided for the F-test with my dataset and thank you so much for the suggestion!


      • #4
        I would use the factor approach in your regression model: Asia c.Asia#c.log_general_trust

