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  • Adjusted (not-stratified) mortality incidence. How to in STATA?

    Dear all,
    thanks in advance for your help and your time.

    I have a dataset with approximately 1500 patients.
    For each of these patients, I have the following variables:
    • outcome at discharge (variable "outcome," alive=0, dead=1),
    • the hospital department (variable "department," oncology, hematology),
    • the age class (variable "age," over70, under70),
    • a clinical score of the patient (variable "score"),
    • discharge date (variable "date"),
    • days of hospitalization (variable "days").
    I want to study mortality to understand if there are differences between departments and periods (4 months, January, April 2023) and eventually understand the interaction between period and department.

    My initial approach would be a multilevel logistic model to model the odds of mortality, and include splines to capture non-linearity and insert the interaction spline*department.

    However, I am asked to evaluate the incidence (not the odds!) of mortality.
    My problem is that to obtain incidences, I need to collapse the events using a sum within a certain time frame (let's say a month or a week).
    The issue is that in this way, with aggregated data, I wouldn't be able to adjust the estimates of a count model (Poisson, negbinomal...)for the different severity scores (or anyother variable) of the single patients.
    At the moment, I only think of stratifying by age, sex, score.

    Does anyone have an idea of how to proceed?

    Please find belw how my dataset appears:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float id str14 department str7 age float(admissiondays score date outcome)
     846 "oncology"       "over70" 14 3 23378 0
    1343 "oncology"       "over70"  6 3 23378 0
    1348 "oncohematology" "over70"  5 3 23378 0
     272 "oncology"       "over70" 18 2 23378 1
     594 "oncology"       "over70"  9 2 23378 1
     700 "oncohematology" "over70" 19 2 23378 1
    1037 "oncology"       "over70"  8 3 23378 0
    1110 "oncohematology" "over70"  5 0 23378 0
    1216 "oncology"       "over70"  1 0 23379 0
    1224 "oncology"       "over70" 12 4 23379 0
    format %td date

    Thanks again.
