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  • dicseg segregation

    Good Morning to everyone,
    I'm having trouble with the dicseg command, and I can't understand why it isn't working. It keeps telling me that the variables of interest must have two groups, but I believe they already do (dummy 0-1). Where am I going wrong?

    Below is what I see:

    Many thanks in advance for your time

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dicseg.png
Views:	1
Size:	15.6 KB
ID:	1747861

  • #2
    what happens when you type tab AREA_A female, missing ?
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Maarten many thanks for your advice,
      actually I checked also for the missingness of AREA_A, but the real problem was the fact thatAREA_A was a string. Now the command works and I have a further question I just plotted the graph and I would like to know to which index(es) it belongs.

      Many thanks in advance for your time

      dicseg AREA_Aencoded female if  AREA_A != "". , sc
      > --
      Computing Segregation of groups (female) across units (AREA_Aencoded) based on individual data
      Number of units (AREA_Aencoded) =  17
      Proportion group 1 (female = 0) =    0.5237
      Proportion group 2 (female = 1) =    0.4763
      Segregation Measures |               female
             Dissimilarity |               0.0934
         Karmel-MacLachlan |               0.0466
                    GE(-2) |               0.0598
                    GE(-1) |               0.0460
                     GE(0) |               0.0374
                   GE(.10) |               0.0367
                   GE(.25) |               0.0358
                   GE(.50) |               0.0344
                   GE(.75) |               0.0331
                   GE(.90) |               0.0324
                     GE(1) |               0.0319
                     GE(2) |               0.0286
              Squared root |               0.0086
         Cof. of Variation |               0.2393
                    A(.10) |               0.0032
                    A(.25) |               0.0083
                    A(.50) |               0.0171
                    A(.75) |               0.0266
                    A(.90) |               0.0326
                      A(1) |               0.0367
                      A(2) |               0.0843
                      A(4) |               0.2045
        Mutual Information |               0.0122
                      Gini |               0.1115
       - GE(alpha) = Generalized Entropy Family
       - A(epsilon) = Atkinson family
       - Mutual Information index (log base 2)
      > --

      Click image for larger version

Name:	BPER segr Graph.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.3 KB
ID:	1747874


      • #4
        As far as I know, there is no direct link between a segregation curve and a segregation measure like there is between the Gini coefficient and the Lorenz curve. Stephen Jenkins may know more.
        Maarten L. Buis
        University of Konstanz
        Department of history and sociology
        box 40
        78457 Konstanz


        • #5
          I asked him, Maarten, and he said he'd forgotten!

