Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to use a matrix to save results of looping over countries (panel data) to obtain lag-order selection statistics for VARs and VECMs and feed in the optimal lag into the matrix. However, I keep receiving this error message after running the procedure for the first country:
“new variables cannot be uniquely named or already defined, after running”
I am not able to figure out what is wrong after several attempts. Here is the part of code I am using to loop over countries:
I am trying to use a matrix to save results of looping over countries (panel data) to obtain lag-order selection statistics for VARs and VECMs and feed in the optimal lag into the matrix. However, I keep receiving this error message after running the procedure for the first country:
“new variables cannot be uniquely named or already defined, after running”
I am not able to figure out what is wrong after several attempts. Here is the part of code I am using to loop over countries:
* Identify the unique countries in dataset levelsof country, local(country_list) * Initialize an empty matrix local ncount : word count `country_list' gen Country = "`country_list'" matrix P = J(`ncount',1,.) local i = 1 * Loop over each country foreach country of local country_list { preserve * Filter data for the current country keep if country == "`country'" di "Processing country:`country'" varsoc rI rC rY matrix A = r(stats) svmat A, name(col) egen minh = min(H) gen optimal_lag = lag if minh == HQ sum optimal_lag if optimal_lag<. local olag = r(mean) matrix P[`i',1] = `olag' matrix drop A drop lag LL LR df p FPE AIC HQIC SBIC minh optimal_lag local ++i } matrix list P, format(%2.0f)