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  • How to use a period of time as an instrumental variable

    Dear all,

    I want to assess the influence of meetings between legislators and firms on the writing of legal content. To address the endogeneity matter, I intend to use a period that, I know, has an influence on meetings occurring.

    To start with, my dataset has observations at the level of amendments, i.e., I know for Amendment i, the authors of such amendment have met n times. I intend to understand if the intensity of meetings can lead to favorable outcomes for the stakeholders.

    I have aggregated the number of meetings with a selected set of stakeholders at the level of the amendment according to the author's name (they also met at t-1) - hence I have lost the information on the day it took place.

    I want to use the period mentioned above as an instrument - is it possible to estimate the first stage by regressing the period (our instrument,) on the occurrence of meetings using the variable "date", and using it as a first stage? (I don't have the date in my dataset where I run my regression - since I have aggregated every meeting for each amendment according to the author's name).

    Many thanks in advance,
    Best, Emilie