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  • Expanding unbalanced panal data with gaps

    Dear Statalist,

    I have an unbalanced panel dataset with missing data between the first and last observation month in some of the panel ids. Example data:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float time str1 id float obsvar
    744 "A"   20
    745 "A" 20.5
    747 "A" 19.5
    749 "A"   18
    693 "B"  100
    697 "B"  120
    format %tm time
    I can fill the gaps using this code:

    encode id, gen(id_dum)
    xtset id_dum time
    which results in the following output:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float time str1 id float obsvar long id_dum
    744 "A"   20 1
    745 "A" 20.5 1
    746 ""     . 1
    747 "A" 19.5 1
    748 ""     . 1
    749 "A"   18 1
    693 "B"  100 2
    694 ""     . 2
    695 ""     . 2
    696 ""     . 2
    697 "B"  120 2
    format %tm time
    label values id_dum id_dum
    label def id_dum 1 "A", modify
    label def id_dum 2 "B", modify
    However, for each ID, I would like to have two additional observations: One in the month prior to the first observation, the other in the subsequent month of the last, so that the output ends up looking like this:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float time str1 id float obsvar long id_dum
    743 "A"    . 1
    744 "A"   20 1
    745 "A" 20.5 1
    746 ""     . 1
    747 "A" 19.5 1
    748 ""     . 1
    749 "A"   18 1
    750 "A"    . 1
    692 "B"    . 2
    693 "B"  100 2
    694 ""     . 2
    695 ""     . 2
    696 ""     . 2
    697 "B"  120 2
    698 "B"    . 2
    format %tm time
    label values id_dum id_dum
    label def id_dum 1 "A", modify
    label def id_dum 2 "B", modify
    Kind regards

  • #2
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float time str1 id float obsvar long 
    744 "A"   20 
    745 "A" 20.5 
    746 ""     . 
    747 "A" 19.5 
    748 ""     . 
    749 "A"   18 
    693 "B"  100 
    694 ""     . 
    695 ""     . 
    696 ""     . 
    697 "B"  120 
    format %tm time
    drop if missing(id)
    bys id (time): frame put time id if (_n==1 |_n==_N) & !missing(id), into(merge)
    frame merge{
        bys id (time): replace time= cond(_n==1, time-1, time+1)
        tempfile merge
        save `merge', replace
    frame drop merge
    append using `merge' 
    encode id, gen(id_dum)
    xtset id_dum time

    . l, sepby(id_)
         |    time   id   obsvar   id_dum |
      1. | 2021m12    A        .        A |
      2. |  2022m1    A       20        A |
      3. |  2022m2    A     20.5        A |
      4. |  2022m3             .        A |
      5. |  2022m4    A     19.5        A |
      6. |  2022m5             .        A |
      7. |  2022m6    A       18        A |
      8. |  2022m7    A        .        A |
      9. |  2017m9    B        .        B |
     10. | 2017m10    B      100        B |
     11. | 2017m11             .        B |
     12. | 2017m12             .        B |
     13. |  2018m1             .        B |
     14. |  2018m2    B      120        B |
     15. |  2018m3    B        .        B |


    • #3
      There may be a nicer way of doing this, but one way would be:

      * tag first and last observation for each ID
      byso id_dum: egen first = min(time)
      replace first = (time == first)
      byso id_dum: egen last = max(time)
      replace last = (time == last)
      * duplicate first/last observations and change time
      expand 2 if first == 1, gen(dup1)
      replace time = time - 1 if first == 1 & dup1 == 1
      expand 2 if last == 1, gen(dup2)
      replace time = time + 1 if last == 1 & dup2 == 1
      * make values for duplicated observation missing
      replace obsvar = . if dup1 == 1 | dup2 == 1
      sort id_dum time
      drop dup1 dup2 first last


      • #4
        The two approaches work as intended. Thank you both very much!

        I haven't been aware of the frame command so far. After taking a first look into the help file, this seems to be quite useful in a number of situations.

