Hi, I have individual level sample data and I know whether each individual worked in manufacturing or non-manufacturing (mf =1 if manufacturing, 0 otherwise). I know the district of the person. I am looking at the impact of trade liberalization that affected the entire country. So all the districts face the effects of trade liberalization. I want to see if districts closer to seaports (say within 50 miles) had a strong effect of people shifting from non-manufacturing to manufacturing. I have data for 3 years 2000 and 2005 and 2010. Trade liberalization happened in 2002. I have calculated distance of each district from the nearest seaport and made a variable (port=1, if distance < 50 miles, 0 otherwise).
I am running the following regression:
reg mf i.port i.year i.port#i.year i.state
My primary question is if I should include district fixed effect instead of the port fixed effect?
I am running the following regression:
reg mf i.port i.year i.port#i.year i.state
My primary question is if I should include district fixed effect instead of the port fixed effect?