I am studying the effect of trade unions on wages, and the corresponding impact on poverty incidence. So far, I have run a regression with 'poverty' as my binary dependent variable (calculated via an income measure), union (a binary variable) being my main independent variable, alongside many controls. The code for that is below:
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
If I want to see whether being a Male unionised individual increases/decreases this probability of being in poverty compared to a female unionised individual, would I interact Male with union? I have attempted in the code below:
logit poverty MALE##union i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
Hope this makes sense.
Thank you.
I am studying the effect of trade unions on wages, and the corresponding impact on poverty incidence. So far, I have run a regression with 'poverty' as my binary dependent variable (calculated via an income measure), union (a binary variable) being my main independent variable, alongside many controls. The code for that is below:
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
If I want to see whether being a Male unionised individual increases/decreases this probability of being in poverty compared to a female unionised individual, would I interact Male with union? I have attempted in the code below:
logit poverty MALE##union i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
Hope this makes sense.
Thank you.