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  • Statistics on passengers' demand seasonality or distribution through a year

    Hello to All;

    I'm working on this data:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float(Mois Nombre_de_Voyageurs_Mensuel)
    744 111486
    744 111486
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    format %tmMonth_CCYY Mois
    The first variable is a categorical monthly variable from January 2022 to December 2023, yet for some reason, it is shown as "744" in the dataex command. So, already, is there a way or a command to switch it to a categorical time variable?
    The second variable is the number of passengers per month, as you can see, it shows some seasonality, since at summer time, people travel more and more. My goal is to verify that seasonality using some statistics which could help me have like two or three or maybe four seasons per year.

    In other words, I would like to have some stats about the distribution of the demand through the year, so I could analyze it in that way.

    Any help please? With thanks!