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  • SDID event study graph, Loop over all permutation issue


    I'm trying to replicate this event study graph in Clark et al., 2023 using Synthetic difference in difference. However, I am encountering some issues in the part where I loop over all permutation replications.
    I have no idea how to solve it and why it is not working.
    Can someone help me?
    Thanks a lot!

        Store Equation (8) data series ========================================================================*/  
    * *Prepare data
    webuse set
    webuse quota_example.dta, clear
    egen m=min(year) if quota==1, by(country) //indicator for the year of adoption
    egen mm=mean(m), by(country)
    keep if mm==2002 | mm==. //keep only one time of adoption
    drop if lngdp==. //keep if covariates observed
    * Run SDiD
    sdid womparl country year quota, vce(noinference) graph
    * Calculate second term in Equation 8
    matrix lambda = e(lambda)[1..12,1] // time weights
    matrix yco = e(series)[1..12,2] // pre-treatment values for treated unit
    matrix ytr = e(series)[1..12,3] // average pre-treatment values for control units
    matrix aux = lambda'*(ytr - yco) // calculate the pre-treatment baseline difference
    scalar meanpre_o = aux[1,1]        // store this value
    di meanpre_o
    * Store pre-made output on first term of Equation 8
    matrix difference = e(difference)[1..26,1..2]  // store Ytr - Yco
    svmat difference
    keep difference1 difference2
    ren (difference1 difference2) (year trt_ctrl_diff)
    * Calculate the vector in equation 8
    gen eqn8 = trt_ctrl_diff - meanpre_o
    drop trt_ctrl_diff
    drop if year == .
    * Save
    save "eqn8_values", replace
        Do permutation procedure to generate confidence intervals
    * Prepare data
    webuse set
    webuse quota_example.dta, clear
    egen m=min(year) if quota==1, by(country) //indicator for the year of adoption
    egen mm=mean(m), by(country)
    keep if mm==2002 | mm==. //keep only one time of adoption
    drop if lngdp==. //keep if covariates observed
    * Drop treated units
    drop if country == "Djibouti" | country == "Morocco"
    * Reset state codes so they're all in order
    encode country, gen(country_code)
    * Set permutation counter and number of reps
    local p = 1
    local P = 100
    * Loop over all permutation replications
    while (`p' <= `P') {
        drop quota
        // Need to choose 2 placebo states.  Let's just take max and min of rand number
        // This could probably be done in less lines, but the below should work fine
        gen c = rnormal()
        bys country: egen chooser = min(c)
        qui sum chooser
        gen treated = chooser==r(min) | chooser==r(max)
        gen quota = (year >= 2002 & treated==1)
        * Run SDiD
        qui: sdid womparl country year quota, vce(noinference) graph
        * Collect the quantities you stored above to calculate the second term in Equation 8
        matrix lambda_p = e(lambda)[1..12,1]
        matrix yco_p = e(series)[1..12,2]
        matrix ytr_p = e(series)[1..12,3]
        matrix aux_p = lambda_p'*(ytr_p - yco_p)
        matrix meanpre_p = J(26,1,aux_p[1,1])
        * Collect Equation 8 values (and store in a matrix)
        matrix d`p'=e(difference)[1..26,2] - meanpre_p
        * Update loop counter
        local ++p
        drop c chooser treated
    * Save all placebo estimates of Equation 8 values
    sort country year
    forval p=1/`P' {
        svmat d`p'
    * Calculate standard deviation of estimates across each time period
    egen rsd = rowsd(d11 - d`P'1)
    keep year rsd
    drop if rsd == .
    * Merge in true Equation 8 values
    merge 1:1 year using "eqn8_values", nogen
    * Generate confidence intervals
    gen LCI = eqn8 + invnormal(0.025)*rsd
    gen UCI = eqn8 + invnormal(0.975)*rsd
        Generate plot
    *generate plot
    tw rarea UCI LCI year, color(gray%40) || scatter eqn8 year, color(blue) m(d) xtitle("") ytitle("") legend(order(2 "Point Estimate" 1 "95% CI") pos(12) col(2)) xline(2002, lc(black) lp(solid)) yline(0, lc(red) lp(shortdash)) scheme(sj)
    graph export sdidplacebo.pdf, replace
    Last edited by Pierangela Peruzzo; 22 Mar 2024, 06:06.

  • #2
    When you say it's "not working" what do you mean? Does it keep going seemingly forever? Does it produce an error message? Does it produce incorrect results?


    • #3
      It produces an error "<= invalid name" when running this command:

      while (`p' <= `P') {
          drop quota
          // Need to choose 2 placebo states.  Let's just take max and min of rand number
          // This could probably be done in less lines, but the below should work fine
          gen c = rnormal()
          bys country: egen chooser = min(c)
          qui sum chooser
          gen treated = chooser==r(min) | chooser==r(max)
          gen quota = (year >= 2002 & treated==1)
          * Run SDiD
          qui: sdid womparl country year quota, vce(noinference) graph
          * Collect the quantities you stored above to calculate the second term in Equation 8
          matrix lambda_p = e(lambda)[1..12,1]
          matrix yco_p = e(series)[1..12,2]
          matrix ytr_p = e(series)[1..12,3]
          matrix aux_p = lambda_p'*(ytr_p - yco_p)
          matrix meanpre_p = J(26,1,aux_p[1,1])
          * Collect Equation 8 values (and store in a matrix)
          matrix d`p'=e(difference)[1..26,2] - meanpre_p
          * Update loop counter
          local ++p
          drop c chooser treated


      • #4
        Okay. It sounds to me like you're trying to run the while loop on its own without also instantiating the two locals, `p' and `P'. Locals are created and destroyed at the start and end of execution respectively. If you just highlight the while loop and run that without also highlighting these lines:

        local p = 1
        local P = 100
        You will run into an error. So you should make sure you are running the relevant locals at the same time.

        Additionally, from a style perspective, this should probably be a forvalues loop, not a while loop. Something like this might be a bit better, and you would avoid having to create the two locals p and P in the two lines above:

        forvalues p = 1/100 {
            drop quota
            // Need to choose 2 placebo states. Let's just take max and min of rand number
            // This could probably be done in less lines, but the below should work fine
            gen c = rnormal()
            bys country: egen chooser = min(c)
            qui sum chooser
            gen treated = chooser==r(min) | chooser==r(max)
            gen quota = (year >= 2002 & treated==1)
            * Run SDiD
            qui: sdid womparl country year quota, vce(noinference) graph
            * Collect the quantities you stored above to calculate the second term in Equation 8
            matrix lambda_p = e(lambda)[1..12,1]
            matrix yco_p = e(series)[1..12,2]
            matrix ytr_p = e(series)[1..12,3]
            matrix aux_p = lambda_p'*(ytr_p - yco_p)
            matrix meanpre_p = J(26,1,aux_p[1,1])
            * Collect Equation 8 values (and store in a matrix)
            matrix d`p'=e(difference)[1..26,2] - meanpre_p
            * Don't need to update on the next line with a forvalues loop. I've commented it out for demonstration purposes, but you can delete.
            * local ++p
            drop c chooser treated
        I would normally test all of this on my end first, but I have my own technical issue I need to deal with first. Definitely let us know if this doesn't work.


        • #5
          Thank you very much! It works!

