Hello, I am running this code to calculate the effects of a government program on a specific bundle of indicators. I am using this code:
And the results look like this, for each of my dependent variables and treatment groups:
Estimation of treatment effects: Event-study effects
Test of equality of the effects : p-value = .40134327
Estimation of treatment effects: Average total effect per treatment unit
Testing the parallel trends and no anticipation assumptions
Test of joint nullity of the placebos : p-value = .6776617
I can see that each coefficient has a standard error, so I know there must be a way to calculate a p-value for the effects to see which of them are significant, if any, but I am a bit lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
foreach sub in nivel {
foreach var in prop med {
foreach dep in $depend{
forvalues i=1/2{
keep if `sub'==`i'
did_multiplegt_dyn `dep' school_id year treat_`var' if cohort_`var'>2018 | (cohort_`var'==0 & year>2017) , effects(3) placebo(2) effects_equal controls($controls) trends_nonparam(pan_margin) weight(alumni) switchers() cluster(munid) save_results(Data\chaise\chaisemartin_`dep'_treat_`var'_bbj_`sub'`i'.dta)
local avg: di %6.4f (`e(Effect_1)' + `e(Effect_2)' + `e(Effect_3)')/3
local se: di %6.4f (`e(se_effect_1)' + `e(se_effect_2)' + `e(se_effect_3)')/3
local pvale: di %6.4f `e(p_equality_effects)'
local pvalp: di %6.4f `e(p_jointplacebo)'
local n1: di %9.0f `e(N_switchers_effect_1)'
local n2: di %9.0f `e(N_switchers_effect_2)'
local n3: di %9.0f `e(N_switchers_effect_3)'
local alumn: di %9.0f `e(N_switchers_effect_average)'
Estimation of treatment effects: Event-study effects
Estimate | SE | LB CI | UB CI | N | Switchers | |
Effect 1 | -.2712071 | .2607584 | -.7822842 | .23987 | 2.31e+07 | 854990 |
Effect 2 | -.2294038 | .5248046 | -1.258002 | .7991944 | 1.50e+07 | 613884 |
Effect 3 | .0585159 | .220648 | -.3739463 | .4909781 | 7251809 | 454627 |
Estimation of treatment effects: Average total effect per treatment unit
Estimate | SE | LB CI | UB CI | N | Switchers | |
Average Effect | -.1799343 | .173284 | -.5195648 | .1596962 | 2.42e+07 | 1923501 |
Testing the parallel trends and no anticipation assumptions
Estimate | SE | LB CI | UB CI | N | Switchers | |
Placebo 1 | -.087887 | .1075516 | -.2986842 | .229103 | 1.56e+07 | 845872 |
Placebo 2 | -.1967545 | .351215 | -.8851234 | .4916143 | 932449 | 607654 |
I can see that each coefficient has a standard error, so I know there must be a way to calculate a p-value for the effects to see which of them are significant, if any, but I am a bit lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated!