I have a data set on around 3752 farmers over three time periods and I am trying to implement a Difference-in-differences estimation to understand of dissemination of technical information impacted crop yields.
The dataset is on farmers (Respondents). They are located within villages (41 villages), located within higher geographical units called Halqa (4 in total), located within higher geograohical units called tehsils (2 in total). I have this data for 3 time periods (wave1 in 2020, wave 2 in 2021 and wave 3 in 2023). Out of the 4 Halqa 2 are treated and 2 are control. Both tehsils have treated and control Halqa
My question is what is the correct way to implement a DID with three time periods. I see the following approaches
-> I see papers that drop the midline and use only the baseline and the endline.
-> The thread here answered by Jeff Wooldridge says that a fixed effects model can be used as
-> Another thread here points out that we can use an interaction between the time period and the treatment
-> Or the following command can be used
I have read many threads on this question but am not very clear which one is appropriate in my case.
The dataset is on farmers (Respondents). They are located within villages (41 villages), located within higher geographical units called Halqa (4 in total), located within higher geograohical units called tehsils (2 in total). I have this data for 3 time periods (wave1 in 2020, wave 2 in 2021 and wave 3 in 2023). Out of the 4 Halqa 2 are treated and 2 are control. Both tehsils have treated and control Halqa
My question is what is the correct way to implement a DID with three time periods. I see the following approaches
-> I see papers that drop the midline and use only the baseline and the endline.
-> The thread here answered by Jeff Wooldridge says that a fixed effects model can be used as
xtreg Yields treatment i.time controls, fe
xtreg Yields i.time##i.treatment controls, fe
xtdidregress (Yields controls) (treatment ), group(qh) time(wave)
I have read many threads on this question but am not very clear which one is appropriate in my case.