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  • Difficulty in getting results in a DID model

    Hi, I want to use the DID model for 67 firms for 18 years. I am using the fixed effects model. I also wanted to use time fixed effects. And due to heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence among panels, I also used xtscc command. But I am not getting any result. I need to know what I am doing wrong. Please let me know.
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  • #2
    What period does the treatment occur?

    Do you have a dummy marking treated units?

    Do you have a dummy marking the treatment period?

    You could start with something like this if all treatment occur at the same time

    reghdfe Y X, absorb(firmid time) cluster(firmid)

    xtscc would work too if you need the DK standard errors. With it, you'd need a time FE specified and include fe as an option.

