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  • rdplot for DHS survey data

    I am using this command for rdplot

    rdplot CEBRI X

    Here, CEBRI is my outcome variable, and X is my running variable. I have DHS survey data. This command is correct, or can I use this command with [iweight=v005]? v005 is the sample weight. when I used

    rdplot CEBRI X [iweight=v005]
    weights not allowed

    It gave me an error that weights are not allowed. My question is whether my command rdplot CEBRI X is correct or not for survey data analysis.

  • #2
    help rdplot

    rdplot CEBRI X, weights(v005)


    • #3
      Thank you for your quick response


      • #4
        Dear George,
        I need your help regarding RDD. I am doing a window selection process. My dependent variable is fertility (total children ever born), the Independent variable is education attainment and the running variable is women's year of birth which captures the education reform. My question is when I define the windows before and after the cut-off in a way that balances the woman’s educational attainment for the treatment and control groups,. the woman’s education variable cannot be considered the ‘pretreatment?

