have multiple observations of Systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood Pressure for the same ID and the same monthly lag time since the enrollment (lag==0).
Example data:
----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------
In order to evaluate the change in SBP measurement over subsequent time lags I would choose do xtset and anlalyzing the data this way:
. xtset ID
. xi: xtreg SBP_V i.lag
. xi: xtreg DBP_V i.lag
I kindly ask if it is appropriate to omit "lag" in the xtset command in this case.
Mario Saugo
have multiple observations of Systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood Pressure for the same ID and the same monthly lag time since the enrollment (lag==0).
Example data:
----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double(SBP_V DBP_V) float(Date_V VISIT enrolled_new) long ID float(Date_enrollment lag) 170 80 21780 0 0 1 21780 0 120 80 22910 0 0 2 22910 0 130 80 23098 0 0 3 23098 0 120 70 23245 1 0 3 23098 4 175 95 23161 0 0 4 23161 0 170 95 23209 1 0 4 23161 1 140 85 23245 2 0 4 23161 2 140 80 23274 3 0 4 23161 3 150 90 22342 0 0 5 22342 0 135 80 23121 0 0 6 23121 0 end format %tdDD/NN/CCYY Date_V label values ID ID_encoded label def ID_encoded 1 "AdeMdof1943Kip", modify label def ID_encoded 2 "AdeMgof1961Kip", modify label def ID_encoded 3 "AgnValf1975Kip", modify label def ID_encoded 4 "AjeMarf1966Mwa", modify label def ID_encoded 5 "AleMtem1976Mga", modify label def ID_encoded 6 "AnaMdef1954Isi", modify
In order to evaluate the change in SBP measurement over subsequent time lags I would choose do xtset and anlalyzing the data this way:
. xtset ID
. xi: xtreg SBP_V i.lag
. xi: xtreg DBP_V i.lag
I kindly ask if it is appropriate to omit "lag" in the xtset command in this case.
Mario Saugo