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  • looping through rows

    Dear Stata Users,

    I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out seeking assistance with a data retrieval task.

    I have a dataset structured as follows:
    Code Region Name Latitude Longitude
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006
    JP Asia Tokyo 35.6895 139.6917
    FR Europe Paris 48.8566 2.3522
    AE Middle East Dubai 25.2769 55.2962
    SG Asia Singapore 1.3521 103.8198
    DE Europe Berlin 52.52 13.405
    I aim to download climate data by leveraging the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city. Specifically, I need to access the following API link, iterating/looping through each city:
    For instance, for the initial iteration (for London), the link to be utilized is:

    Here's the syntax I attempted to use:
    local      code      "GB"      "US"      "JP"       "FR"      "AE"      "SG"      "DE"
    local      region   "Europe"            "North America"             "Asia"   "Europe"              "Middle East"    "Asia"   "Europe"
    local      city        "London"           "New York"        "Tokyo" "Paris"  "Dubai"              "Singapore"       "Berlin"
    local      lat          "51.5074"           "40.7128"           "35.6895"           "48.8566"              "25.2769"           "1.3521"             "52.52"
    local      long       "-0.1278"            "-74.006"            "139.6917"         "2.3522"              "55.2962"           "103.8198"         "13.405"
    foreach region in `region' {
    foreach code in `code'{
    foreach name in `name'{
    foreach long in `long'{
                  foreach lat in`lat'{
    local opt= cond(`name'=="London", "replace", "append")
    import delimited",PRECTOTCORR_SUM,PRECTOTCORR&community=AG&longitude=`long'&latitude=`lat'&format=CSV&start=1981&end=2022", rowrange(12) varnames(12)
    gen name=`name'
    gen code=`code'
    gen region=`region'
    append using "C:\Users\User\Desktop\precdata.dta" if `opt'=="append"
    save "C:\Users\User\Desktop\precdata.dta", replace
    local i=`i'+1
    di `i'
    Unfortunately, I encountered challenges in obtaining the table like this:
    ISO Code Region City Latitude Longitude PARAMETER YEAR JAN FEB NOV DEC ANN
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 1981 3.53 2.28 6.58 0.19 9.15
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 1982 2.71 4.19 7.75 3.48 9.87
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 1983 5.73 1.24 6.61 4.83 9.77
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 2020 5.95 6.36 8.55 5.02 11
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 2021 2.81 4.6 6.62 6.4 10.21
    GB Europe London 51.5074 -0.1278 T2M 2022 3.91 6.58 9.3 4.07 11.56
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 1981 3.53 2.28 6.58 0.19 9.15
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 1982 2.71 4.19 7.75 3.48 9.87
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 1983 5.73 1.24 6.61 4.83 9.77
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 2020 5.95 6.36 8.55 5.02 11
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 2021 2.81 4.6 6.62 6.4 10.21
    US North America New York 40.7128 -74.006 T2M 2022 3.91 6.58 9.3 4.07 11.56

    Any guidance or assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Warm regards,

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist.

    This may be better as a program and not a set of nested foreach loops. You're using a compound loop and it will loop through all possible combinations, ultimately leading to odd combination like JP in North America city Berlin.

    Look into the help of program (help program). And if you need more concrete advice, read the FAQ and pay attention to section 12 regarding asking a easy-to-answer question. And please follow those instructions. The current question does not contain enough specific details, that includes the error encountered ("I encountered challenges in obtaining the table like this" does not really convey what went wrong.)
    Last edited by Ken Chui; 19 Mar 2024, 08:58.


    • #3
      I agree with the previous answer that your question is not very descriptive of the type of challenges you encountered.

      Nevertheless, there is a clear problem in your loops

       foreach region in `region' {
      is problematic, because what a foreach loop

      foreach lname in any_list {

      does is to create a local lname that iterates through the values of any_list.

      lname and any_list cannot have the same name, otherwise it will replace itself and never do anything.


      • #4
        Dear Ken Chui and alejoforero,

        Thank you both for taking the time to review my query and providing valuable feedback. I appreciate your insights, and I apologize for the lack of clarity in my initial post.

        Ken, your points about the potential issues with nested foreach loops and the importance of clarity in framing the question were well-taken. I understand the potential pitfalls associated with my initial approach and recognize the need for a more robust solution.

        Alejo, I'm grateful for your observation regarding the variable naming conflict. It's clear that such conflicts could lead to unexpected behavior in the code, and I'll ensure to avoid such naming clashes in the future.

        As I'm new to Stata, I've been struggling to create a workable syntax despite reading related manuals and posts. I'm unsure about the best approach to rectify this issue and would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could offer in this regard.

        I'm specifically looking for guidance on how to rewrite the code using loops instead of a program structure. Creating programs in Stata is challenging for me, so I'd appreciate any tips or advice you can provide in this area. Additionally, I'd like assistance in ensuring that the climate data is correctly appended to the dataset, as intended.

        It's likely that I need to rewrite my post for clarity, and I'm open to any suggestions you may have.

        Once again, thank you both for your assistance and expertise. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I'm eager to incorporate your suggestions into my workflow.

        Warm regards,


        • #5
          See this tutorial:

          And assuming that API call works in #1, a draft program may look something like this:

          capture program drop WhateverName
          program define WhateverName
          import delimited",PRECTOTCORR_SUM,PRECTOTCORR&community=AG&longitude=`5'&latitude=`4'&format=CSV&start=1981&end=2022", rowrange(12) varnames(12)
          generate city="`3'"
          generate code="`1'"
          generate region="`2'"
          save data_`1', replace
          * 1: code; 2: region; 3: city, 4: lat, 5: long
          WhateverName "GB" "Europe" "London" 51.5074 -0.1278
          WhateverName "US" "North America" "New York" 40.7128 -74.006
          * so on, so forth...
          This should get you started.


          • #6
            I think you are on a good path and could make it work with either loops or programs.

            What I think you are missing is a debugging strategy. I myself wouldn't be able to make a 4 level nested loop work in a single run, much less with an API call. I would suggest you work from the ground up, adding one level at a time.
            You already know about the display command in Stata, equivalent to print("") in other languages. That is the key.

            Just try something like this as a debugging tool for the loop:

             foreach region in regionA regionB {      display "Region is `region'" }

            Debugging API calls is also a common problem that requires some tinkering. There are several tools designed to do that, like Postman. Check this StackOverflow post.

            Best luck.

