Hi all,
I need some assistance in graphically representing selected coefficients from an interaction model, using either coefplot or margins. In particular, I'm estimating the following regression to test for differential effects of selected explanatory variables on perceived job security for different samples.
For all of these, I want to plot only the interaction between gender2 and unemp (difference in unemployment effect on job security by gender), which would numerically be obtained by the code:
How would I illustrate this value graphically, such that I can combine all three coefficients from the three regression estimations in one graph?
Thank you very much.
I need some assistance in graphically representing selected coefficients from an interaction model, using either coefplot or margins. In particular, I'm estimating the following regression to test for differential effects of selected explanatory variables on perceived job security for different samples.
xtreg jobsec gender2##(c.unemp male1 c.age c.tenure contract c.fire1 c.hire1 i.j1), fe i(id) cluster(id) xtreg jobsec gender2##(c.unemp male1 c.age c.tenure contract c.fire1 c.hire1 i.j1) if mh9_q1==0, fe i(id) cluster(id) xtreg jobsec gender2##(c.unemp male1 c.age c.tenure contract c.fire1 c.hire1 i.j1) if mh9_q1==1, fe i(id) cluster(id)
lincom 0b.gender2#co.unemp-1.gender2#c.unemp
How would I illustrate this value graphically, such that I can combine all three coefficients from the three regression estimations in one graph?
Thank you very much.