I am running -ivprobit- and obtaining the marginal effects using
. I need to use nose option, else the estimation takes forever.
I am then using -esttab- to export the results. However, I cannot see the significance stars. My hunch is this happens due to the nose option. Since standard errors are not calculated, the significance stars cannot be generated.
Is there a workaround for this? Can I "pick" the stars from the ivprobit regression and the estimates from the margins?
Edit: it should read "stars" not starts in the title.
margins, dydx(*) post nose
I am then using -esttab- to export the results. However, I cannot see the significance stars. My hunch is this happens due to the nose option. Since standard errors are not calculated, the significance stars cannot be generated.
Is there a workaround for this? Can I "pick" the stars from the ivprobit regression and the estimates from the margins?
Edit: it should read "stars" not starts in the title.