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  • creating transitional probabilities in markov model, does it matter if i have gaps in years


    input float id str7 event float(treatment dead revised year op)
     1 "op"      1 1 1 2001 1
     1 "revised" 1 1 1 2004 1
     1 "death"   1 1 1 2005 1
     2 "op"      0 0 1 2001 1
     2 "revised" 0 0 1 2007 1
    19 "op"      0 1 0 2008 1
    19 "death"   0 1 0 2016 1
    45 "op"      0 0 1 2005 1
    45 "revised" 0 0 1 2008 1
    46 "op"      1 1 0 2007 1
    46 "death"   1 1 0 2020 1
    54 "op"      1 0 0 2001 1
    76 "op"      1 1 0 2009 1
    76 "death"   1 1 0 2015 1
    89 "op"      1 1 0 2006 1
    89 "death"   1 1 0 2010 1
    label values treatment q1
    label def q1 0 "control", modify
    label def q1 1 "treatment", modify
    label values dead q2
    label def q2 0 "alive", modify
    label def q2 1 "dead", modify
    label values revised q3
    label def q3 0 "success", modify
    label def q3 1 "revised", modify
    encode event, gen(status) 
    gen state= . 
    replace state= 1 if status == 2
    replace state = 2 if status == 3 
    replace state = 3 if status == 1
    keep if treatment == 1
    drop event dead revised op
    As you can see I have gaps in the years except for ID =1, where between 2004 and 2005 - these are consecutive years.
    Therefore for each ID, I have told stata (seen in bold section) to take the last value of variable -state- and insert it at the last date for every id, therefore substituting the missing values at next= .

    However, is this the right way to go about it? As I am calculating the transition probabilities in a markov model, therefore, this would mean stata would calculate the transition probability of moving from
    id =1 state =3 at 2004, to id=1 state=3 at 2005 , which doesn't make sense as the individual remained in the same state, in this case dead. How could I address this?

    I've already supplied my code, on how to calculate transition probabilities in this thread here:

    //// start transition probabilities
    sort id year
    // create a datset of probabilities using the example data
    //decalres data panel data
    xtset id year, yearly
    ////gaps in the years
    gen long obs_no = _n
    by id (obs_no), sort: gen next = state[_n+1]
    ******* to CLARIFY HERE ****
    ///replace the missing with the max state 
    bysort id (state) : gen max2 = state[_N]
    replace next = max2 if next == . 
    // drop variables
    drop max2 obs_no