In my spell data (panel) setting, I have the following arrangement:
There are consecutive unemployment (rather UI) spells, highlighted in bold (individual 2, spells 13, 15 and 16). The suggestion given in the literature is the following: if there are consecutive UI spells with a gap between them being less than 14 days, the spells are "pooled and treated as one spell". The words in quotes are verbatim.
1. Is pooling the same as merging, or collapsing the three spells in this case? FYI, it's not clear from the literature so I believe I have some room to allow interpretation.
2. How to code the pooling of all such consecutive UI spells (with gap < 14 days)?
3. If I collapse the consecutive spells, is there a way to retain information on the other variables in these consecutive rows?
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(persnr_siab nspell) int(erwstat begorig endorig) 2 1 101 14976 15340 2 2 109 15341 15705 2 3 101 15706 15867 2 4 109 16071 16436 2 5 101 16437 16736 2 6 101 16737 16801 2 7 101 16802 17163 2 8 101 17164 17166 2 9 101 17167 17531 2 10 101 17532 17897 2 12 109 17898 17952 2 13 11 17953 18205 2 15 11 18206 18210 2 16 11 18211 18227 2 17 109 18228 18250 2 18 101 18251 18262 2 19 109 18263 18627 end format %tdD_m_CY begorig format %tdD_m_CY endorig label values erwstat erwstat_en label def erwstat_en 11 "11 ALG Unemployment benefits", modify label def erwstat_en 101 "101 Employees liable to social security without special characteristics", modify label def erwstat_en 102 "102 Trainees without special characteristics", modify label def erwstat_en 109 "109 Marginal part-time workers", modify
1. Is pooling the same as merging, or collapsing the three spells in this case? FYI, it's not clear from the literature so I believe I have some room to allow interpretation.
2. How to code the pooling of all such consecutive UI spells (with gap < 14 days)?
3. If I collapse the consecutive spells, is there a way to retain information on the other variables in these consecutive rows?