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  • Binary and Multinomial logistic regression results insignificant

    Dear all,

    I am facing challenges with my model results being insignificant when i am running both binary and multinomial regression models. The p-values for my variables are insignificant. I am using IR(Individual Recode) file from LDHS dataset. my dependent variables are healthcare visits(no/yes), ANC visits(no anc,1 anc, 2 anc, 3 anc, >4anc) and PNC visits(no, yes, don't know). The independent variables are sex of the household(male/female), age(15-24, 25-34,35-44,45-49), marital status(never married, married, widowed, divorced), religion(non Christian, Christian), education(no education, primary, secondary, higher), occupation(non Agric, Agric), wealth index(poor, middle, rich), health insurance(no/yes), distance to health facility(not a problem, a big problem), residence(urban/rural), and anemia level.

    I checked multicollinearity between my independent variables and found that education, health insurance and anemia level have VIF greater than 10 and I dropped anemia level from my models but the results are still bad. I also tried grouping my dependent variables into social, economic and other variables and ran adjusted and unadjusted binary logistic models but the more I add more variables the more the p-values become insignificant. could assist me with could be the problem.
    below is the output for logistic model with dep. var as visted healthcare facilty=healtcare visits and anc visits as a dependent var. for mlogit

    . logistic visited_health_facil i.sex_head i.age i.marital_status i.religion i.occupation i.wealth_index
    > _insurance i.anemia_level i.dist_health_facility i.residence, allbaselevels

    Logistic regression Number of obs = 1381
    LR chi2(21) = 52.56
    Prob > chi2 = 0.0002
    Log likelihood = -811.04853 Pseudo R2 = 0.0314

    visited_health_facil | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    sex_head |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.143418 .1782281 0.86 0.390 .8424138 1.551974
    age |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.387775 .2350928 1.93 0.053 .9956882 1.934261
    3 | 1.029242 .1946897 0.15 0.879 .7104041 1.491177
    4 | .787294 .1909856 -0.99 0.324 .4893823 1.266559
    marital_status |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 2.070133 .3705802 4.06 0.000 1.457547 2.940182
    3 | 1.99339 .4860793 2.83 0.005 1.236034 3.2148
    4 | 2.13516 .56519 2.87 0.004 1.270903 3.587143
    religion |
    0 | 1 (base)
    1 | .7492449 .3411377 -0.63 0.526 .3069477 1.828872
    occupation |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.042236 .2027846 0.21 0.832 .7117874 1.526095
    3 | 1.306453 .3640273 0.96 0.337 .7566884 2.255646
    wealth_index |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.231303 .2456395 1.04 0.297 .8328255 1.820438
    3 | 1.204038 .2239029 1.00 0.318 .8362786 1.733524
    education |
    0 | 1 (base)
    1 | 1.822687 1.140474 0.96 0.337 .5346957 6.213234
    2 | 2.312652 1.467217 1.32 0.186 .6669326 8.019338
    3 | 2.883668 1.903128 1.60 0.109 .7910059 10.51262
    health_insurance |
    0 | 1 (base)
    1 | .585914 .2287483 -1.37 0.171 .2725925 1.259371
    anemia_level |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | .5436657 .4556743 -0.73 0.467 .105171 2.810398
    3 | .5967894 .4885422 -0.63 0.528 .1199535 2.969132
    4 | .6273136 .5083492 -0.58 0.565 .1281462 3.070885
    dist_health_facility |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.255869 .1986669 1.44 0.150 .9210692 1.712366
    residence |
    1 | 1 (base)
    2 | 1.481787 .2284155 2.55 0.011 1.095403 2.00446
    _cons | .683371 .7689855 -0.34 0.735 .0753034 6.201529

    and for mlogit

    . mlogit anc i.sex_head i.age i.marital_status i.religion i.occupation i.wealth_index i.health_insurance i.dist_h
    > ealth_facility i.residence, base(0) allbaselevels

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -834.22496
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -788.39709
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -769.92251
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -766.73995
    Iteration 4: log likelihood = -765.43096
    Iteration 5: log likelihood = -765.24125
    Iteration 6: log likelihood = -765.20904
    Iteration 7: log likelihood = -765.20162
    Iteration 8: log likelihood = -765.20002
    Iteration 9: log likelihood = -765.19969
    Iteration 10: log likelihood = -765.19962
    Iteration 11: log likelihood = -765.1996

    Multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 1007
    LR chi2(72) = 138.05
    Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
    Log likelihood = -765.1996 Pseudo R2 = 0.0827

    anc | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    no_anc | (base outcome)
    1_anc |
    sex_head |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.329742 .7014485 -0.47 0.638 -1.704556 1.045072
    age |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.4331893 .6905895 -0.63 0.530 -1.78672 .9203413
    3 | -.8241518 .9017629 -0.91 0.361 -2.591575 .943271
    4 | -22.71515 53965.21 -0.00 1.000 -105792.6 105747.2
    marital_status |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.740034 .7733469 -0.96 0.339 -2.255766 .7756982
    3 | -.5553596 1.091913 -0.51 0.611 -2.695469 1.58475
    4 | .2287169 1.02628 0.22 0.824 -1.782754 2.240188
    religion |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 15.63568 2292.172 0.01 0.995 -4476.939 4508.21
    occupation |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -1.080269 1.133853 -0.95 0.341 -3.302579 1.142042
    3 | -14.17877 1268.27 -0.01 0.991 -2499.942 2471.584
    wealth_index |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .491967 .6932806 0.71 0.478 -.8668381 1.850772
    3 | 1.50705 .9012047 1.67 0.094 -.2592792 3.273378
    education |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 14.54271 3536.721 0.00 0.997 -6917.303 6946.389
    2 | 13.79664 3536.721 0.00 0.997 -6918.049 6945.643
    3 | 15.83348 3536.721 0.00 0.996 -6916.013 6947.68
    health_insurance |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | -.3619751 2590.434 -0.00 1.000 -5077.52 5076.796
    dist_health_facility |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.5606672 .60041 -0.93 0.350 -1.737449 .6161149
    residence |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | 1.237727 .8231029 1.50 0.133 -.3755252 2.850979
    _cons | -30.81201 4214.552 -0.01 0.994 -8291.182 8229.558
    2_anc |
    sex_head |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .1294843 .5480576 0.24 0.813 -.9446889 1.203658
    age |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.5225949 .5352125 -0.98 0.329 -1.571592 .5264022
    3 | -.9272794 .6835562 -1.36 0.175 -2.267025 .4124661
    4 | -22.70876 40325.85 -0.00 1.000 -79059.92 79014.5
    marital_status |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.2348144 .6023835 -0.39 0.697 -1.415464 .9458355
    3 | -.271298 .8733921 -0.31 0.756 -1.983115 1.440519
    4 | -.359796 .9233147 -0.39 0.697 -2.16946 1.449868
    religion |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 1.27302 1.172576 1.09 0.278 -1.025186 3.571226
    occupation |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .9408899 .5775266 1.63 0.103 -.1910415 2.072821
    3 | .1172866 1.054219 0.11 0.911 -1.948945 2.183518
    wealth_index |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.3629362 .5734962 -0.63 0.527 -1.486968 .7610957
    3 | 1.536379 .6960343 2.21 0.027 .1721765 2.900581
    education |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 14.53064 2606.367 0.01 0.996 -5093.854 5122.915
    2 | 14.59 2606.367 0.01 0.996 -5093.795 5122.975
    3 | 16.1912 2606.367 0.01 0.995 -5092.194 5124.576
    health_insurance |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | -1.118786 2170.781 -0.00 1.000 -4255.772 4253.535
    dist_health_facility |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.0560826 .4807543 -0.12 0.907 -.9983437 .8861785
    residence |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .9513053 .5927119 1.61 0.108 -.2103887 2.112999
    _cons | -16.42487 2606.367 -0.01 0.995 -5124.81 5091.96
    3_anc |
    sex_head |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .3657479 .4530789 0.81 0.420 -.5222705 1.253766
    age |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.8335228 .4480069 -1.86 0.063 -1.7116 .0445545
    3 | -1.260563 .5548512 -2.27 0.023 -2.348051 -.1730747
    4 | -2.803699 1.385748 -2.02 0.043 -5.519715 -.0876828
    marital_status |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | 1.147784 .5403055 2.12 0.034 .0888047 2.206763
    3 | .3858069 .7479268 0.52 0.606 -1.080103 1.851717
    4 | .7980124 .7432406 1.07 0.283 -.6587124 2.254737
    religion |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 1.244329 .8188686 1.52 0.129 -.3606241 2.849282
    occupation |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .4372587 .5049878 0.87 0.387 -.5524992 1.427017
    3 | .3387942 .8574201 0.40 0.693 -1.341718 2.019307
    wealth_index |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.0381724 .4409004 -0.09 0.931 -.9023213 .8259764
    3 | 1.454559 .5976732 2.43 0.015 .2831414 2.625977
    education |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | -.1201417 1.530855 -0.08 0.937 -3.120563 2.88028
    2 | .1921436 1.545194 0.12 0.901 -2.83638 3.220667
    3 | -.9385856 1.984304 -0.47 0.636 -4.82775 2.950579
    health_insurance |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | -.4433399 1739.733 -0.00 1.000 -3410.256 3409.37
    dist_health_facility |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.1462628 .3913177 -0.37 0.709 -.9132315 .6207058
    residence |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .0904916 .4693694 0.19 0.847 -.8294555 1.010439
    _cons | -.8789839 1.766947 -0.50 0.619 -4.342136 2.584168
    more_than_4_anc |
    sex_head |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .3921699 .4079782 0.96 0.336 -.4074526 1.191792
    age |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | -.4984575 .4122573 -1.21 0.227 -1.306467 .3095518
    3 | -.5268547 .4895854 -1.08 0.282 -1.486424 .4327151
    4 | -2.741161 1.080447 -2.54 0.011 -4.858797 -.6235246
    marital_status |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | 1.027777 .4681133 2.20 0.028 .110292 1.945262
    3 | .0765875 .6221826 0.12 0.902 -1.142868 1.296043
    4 | .4058348 .648109 0.63 0.531 -.8644355 1.676105
    religion |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 1.171346 .6235753 1.88 0.060 -.0508393 2.393531
    occupation |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .2315969 .4573088 0.51 0.613 -.6647119 1.127906
    3 | .4891797 .7640979 0.64 0.522 -1.008425 1.986784
    wealth_index |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .1614292 .3793904 0.43 0.670 -.5821623 .9050208
    3 | 1.896817 .5480776 3.46 0.001 .8226045 2.971029
    education |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | -.5022687 1.189478 -0.42 0.673 -2.833603 1.829065
    2 | -.1430182 1.203612 -0.12 0.905 -2.502055 2.216019
    3 | .5765912 1.583689 0.36 0.716 -2.527382 3.680565
    health_insurance |
    0 | 0 (base)
    1 | 13.80465 1463.784 0.01 0.992 -2855.159 2882.768
    dist_health_facility |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .0789787 .347216 0.23 0.820 -.6015522 .7595096
    residence |
    1 | 0 (base)
    2 | .2735681 .4201572 0.65 0.515 -.5499249 1.097061
    _cons | .5474843 1.358957 0.40 0.687 -2.116023 3.210992

  • #2
    Can you show the results from tab visited_health_facil and tab anc and tab visited_health_facil anc, missing ?
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      good day! Maarten and thanks for the reply, here are the results, i included tabulation of pnc too

      Tabulation of visited_health_facil
      visited health facility last 12m Freq. Percent Cum.
      no 2448 37.09 37.09
      yes 4153 62.91 100.00
      Total 6601 100.00
      Tabulation of anc
      anc visits Freq. Percent Cum.
      no anc 120 4.66 4.66
      1 anc 41 1.59 6.25
      2 anc 132 5.12 11.37
      3 anc 357 13.86 25.23
      more than 4 anc 1926 74.77 100.00
      Total 2576 100.00

      Tabulation of pnc
      postnatal checks within 2m Freq. Percent Cum.
      no 507 19.68 19.68
      yes 2057 79.85 99.53
      don't know 12 0.47 100.00
      Total 2576 100.00

      tab visited_health_facil anc, missing

      Tabulation of visited_health_facil anc
      visited health facility last 12m anc visits
      no anc 1 anc 2 anc 3 anc more than 4 anc . Total
      no 50 9 32 94 421 1842 2448
      yes 70 32 100 263 1505 2183 4153
      Total 120 41 132 357 1926 4025 6601
      1926 4025 6601



      • #4
        A model does not create new information, it makes information present in the dataset visible. Unfortunately, your dataset just does not have enough information to estimate that model. When we look at multicollinearity, the variance in the dependent variable (in case of a binary variable, it one outcome has a very small number of observations), the number of observations per explanatory variable, we are looking at different indicators of how much information is present. None of these are in your case awful, but none of these are particularly good, and also small problems add up. You have about 66 observations per variable, which is a number where I would not say that it is impossible to estimate a model, but also a number where you should not be surprised when problems occur. Things like education, wealth, health insurance are correlated, the same with rural/urban residence and distance to health facility. This does apparently not lead to a huge VIF, but it still reduces the amount of information present in the data somewhat. Similarly, a percentage of 37 is not too small per se, but it is small enough to become a problem when combined with other problems.
        Maarten L. Buis
        University of Konstanz
        Department of history and sociology
        box 40
        78457 Konstanz


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

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          I am not sure if I follow quite well, which other information should the dataset have? what should i do to avoid such problems? the dataset has 6601 observations. I have attached a screenshot of the dataset, if it will somehow help .


          • #6
            What I was trying to tell you was that I don't think there is anything you can do.
            Maarten L. Buis
            University of Konstanz
            Department of history and sociology
            box 40
            78457 Konstanz


            • #7
              I would take a different approach.
              When there are (1) a lot of covariates and (2) the functional form of the model is unknown, by which I mean, it is unknown if the model is:
              E[Y] = a + bX + cW + dZ + .... etc
              E[Y] = a + bX*W + cZ + dZ^2 + .... etc
              then a respectable workaround in inverse-probability treatment weighting (IPTW), which in your case would actually be inverse-probability exposure weighting, with the exposure being one of the variables sex, marital status, etc.

              It only works if the exposure is binary, but the neat thing is that IPTW creates mathematical balance between exposure groups, which means a lot less parameters need to be estimated. For IPTW you need to fit a logistic regression for the probability of the exposure (say you pick marriage status) and then calculate two things: 1. for the exposed: the probability of being married and 2. for the unexposed, the probability of not being married. This leads to generating weights for each individual, which you apply in your regression for the outcome variable: visits to the health facility; this is reduced down to the simplified model: E[Y] = a + bX

              For more see: Williamson E.J. (2014) Respirology 19:625-635 and do a lot of googling.

              Good luck!


              • #8
                Hi Janine! thank you very much. I will certainly go through your recommendations to gain a deeper understanding of how IPTW can be applied in my analysis. I will get back to you with any questions or insights that may arise while i am applying it.

