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  • LR test for a structural break


    I am using an ordered logit/probit model (ologit / oprobit) and would like to examine whether there is a structural break that affects two of my variables. My understanding is that a LR test is well-equipped to do this, but I am not sure how I should handle my other (control) variables re: the restricted and unrestricted models.

    For example; my variables follow:
    • y = regressand
    • x1 x2 = variables of interest
    • break = dummy variable that is 1 for dates after my expected structural break
    • controls = several control variables
    My main question is: if I am only looking for a structural break for x1 and x2, should I keep the interaction term between break* and my control variables? E.g., should I do this...

    ologit y break##(x1 x2 controls)
    estimates store unrestricted
    ologit y x1 x2 break#(controls)
    estimates store restricted
    lrtest unrestricted restricted
    or just...

    ologit y break##(x1 x2 controls)
    estimates store unrestricted
    ologit y x1 x2 controls
    estimates store restricted
    lrtest unrestricted restricted
    Please also let me know if the use of a LR test in this context is misguided.

    Last edited by dan onath; 17 Mar 2024, 22:39.