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  • Quality Adjusted Life Years calculation method - Area under the curve, change from baseline, regression methods

    I need to calculate quality adjusted life years. I understand that the most common way to do that is to calculate the area under the curve. I have written the code and it works beautifully.

    * Calculate QALYs for each participant
    gen qaly0 = eq5d5lscore0*(0.5)  // baseline QALY score
    gen qaly6 = eq5d5lscore6*(0.5) // QALY score at 6 months
    gen qaly12 = eq5d5lscore12*(0.5)  // QALY score at 12 months
    * Account for lost to follow-up
    replace qaly6 = . if ltfu6mth == 1  // assume QALY score at 6 months is same as baseline if lost to follow-up
    replace qaly12 = . if ltfuv12mth == 1  // assume QALY score at 12 months is same as baseline if lost to follow-up
    * Account for withdrawals
    replace qaly6 = . if wd6mth == 1  // set QALY score at 6 months to missing if participant withdrew
    replace qaly12 = . if wd12mth == 1  // set QALY score at 12 months to missing if participant withdrew
    * Account for deaths
    replace qaly6 = . if died6mth == 1  // set QALY score at 6 months to 0 if participant died
    replace qaly12 = . if died12mth == 1  // set QALY score at 12 months to 0 if participant died
    * Calculate area under the curve to get QALY
    gen aucqaly = (qaly0 + qaly6)/2 + (qaly6 + qaly12)/2 if !missing(qaly6, qaly12)
    * Calculate total QALYs for the study
    sum aucqaly, meanonly
    However, I need to also calculate it using two other methods, the change from baseline and the regression method. I have been trying to work out from the equations provided in a paper what the code would be, but I can't work it out. These two papers gives the three techniques: Manca et al. Estimating mean QALYs in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: The importance of controlling for baseline utility. Health Economics. 2005;14(5):487-96 and McClure et al. Modifying the quality-adjusted life year calculation to account for meaningful change in health-related quality of life: insights from a pragmatic clinical trial. Eur J Health Econ. 2021;22(9):1441-51

    The equation for calculating the QALY-AUC (which is my code above, which I've got sorted out) is:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	QALY-AUC Area Under The Curve.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	136.1 KB
ID:	1746943

    But I can't work out how I would write the code to calculate the QALY-CFB or QALY-R versions. I just can't tend to "see" how the equations relate to the code. Is anyone here able to help me with what the code would be to calculate the QALY-CFB and the QALY-R?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	QALY - Equations for calculation.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	228.6 KB
ID:	1746944

    eq5d5lscore0 eq5d5lscore6 eq5d5lscore12 utilities at baseline, 6 months and 12 months.
    ltfu6mth ltfu12mth: Lost to follow up by 6 months and 12 months respectively
    wd6mth wd12mth: Withdrawn by 6 month or 12 month follow up respectively respectively
    died6mth died12mth: Died by the 6 month or 12 month follow up respectively

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float pat_id long group float(eq5d5lscore0 eq5d5lscore6 eq5d5lscore12) byte(wd6mth ltfu6mth died6mth wd12mth ltfuv12mth died12mth)
     1 1       .658      .917 .797 . . . . . .
     2 2 -.04599999      .861 .518 . . . . . .
     3 2       .385      .852  .88 . . . . . .
     4 2      -.124         1    1 . . . . . .
     5 1       .917      .852 .852 . . . . . .
     6 1       .917      .859 .857 . . . . . .
     7 2 -.04599999         .    . . 1 . . . .
     8 2       .832      .934 .956 . . . . . .
     9 1       .588         .    . . . . . . 1
    10 1        .85      .917 .961 . . . . . .
    11 2       .852      .956    . . . . . . .
    12 2       .457       .66 .739 . . . . . .
    13 1       .385         .    . . . 1 . . .
    14 1       .754         .    . 1 . . . . .
    15 1          1         1 .956 . . . . . .
    16 2       .163         .    . . . 1 . . .
    17 1        .88         .    . . . . 1 . .
    18 2       .917      .917 .889 . . . . . .
    19 1        .88         . .887 . . . . . .
    20 1       .719      .956 .889 . . . . . .
    21 2       .848      .396    . . . . . . .
    22 2        .97         .    . 1 . . . . .
    23 1       .961         . .731 . . . . . .
    24 2       .039         . .794 . . . . . .
    25 1       .146         .    . . 1 . . . .
    26 1       .623         .    . . 1 . . . .
    27 2       .822         . .933 . . . . . .
    28 2       .871      .961 .933 . . . . . .
    29 2       .222      .208 .887 . . . . . .
    30 1       .623         .    . . . 1 . . .
    31 2       .871      .536  .88 . . . . . .
    32 1       .776         .    . 1 . . . . .
    33 1       .428      .735 .178 . . . . . .
    34 2       .057      .851 .784 . . . . . .
    35 2       .862         . .685 . . . . . .
    36 2       .724      .934 .968 . . . . . .
    37 2       .296      .889 .901 . . . . . .
    38 1       .499      .831 .831 . . . . . .
    39 1       .484 .04200001    . . . . . . .
    40 2       .432         . .673 . . . . . .
    41 1          .      .942 .667 . . . . . .
    42 1       .889         1    1 . . . . . .
    43 1  .26700002         .    . . . 1 . . .
    44 2       .377         1 .933 . . . . . .
    45 2       .766      .875 .804 . . . . . .
    46 1       .697      .956 .956 . . . . . .
    47 1       .961      .624 .831 . . . . . .
    48 2       .335      .739 .887 . . . . . .
    49 1       .802      .852 .917 . . . . . .
    50 1       .889         .    . . 1 . . . .
    51 2       .496         .    . . . . . . 1
    52 1       .933         .    . 1 . . . . .
    53 2       .374         .    . . . . 1 . .
    54 1       .735      .831 .901 . . . . . .
    55 2       .697      .216 .466 . . . . . .
    56 2          .         . .682 . . . . . .
    57 2       .903      .804    . . . . . . .
    58 2          .      .885 .919 . . . . . .
    59 1       .685      .852 .733 . . . . . .
    60 2          1      .956    1 . . . . . .
    61 1          1         .    . . . 1 . . .
    62 2       .852      .887    1 . . . . . .
    63 1       .766         . .701 . . . . . .
    64 2       .325      .396 .822 . . . . . .
    65 1       .596      .625 .616 . . . . . .
    66 1       .555      .308    . . . . . . .
    67 1       .309         . .956 . . . . . .
    68 2       .495      .673 .117 . . . . . .
    69 2       .396         1 .834 . . . . . .
    70 2        .83         .    . . . 1 . . .
    71 1       .765       .97 .956 . . . . . .
    72 1       .618      .956 .933 . . . . . .
    73 2       .871         .    . . 1 . . . .
    74 2       .253         .    . 1 . . . . .
    75 2       .552      .673    . . . . . . 1
    76 2       .744      .885 .756 . . . . . .
    77 1       .318      .895 .846 . . . . . .
    78 2          1         .    . . 1 . . . .
    79 1       .956      .917 .917 . . . . . .
    80 2       .851      .823 .424 . . . . . .
    81 2       .379      .113 .889 . . . . . .
    82 1       .159      .809 .178 . . . . . .
    83 1       .366      .848 .255 . . . . . .
    84 2       .961      .933 .961 . . . . . .
    85 1       .887      .543 .704 . . . . . .
    86 1       .572         1 .794 . . . . . .
    87 1  .10900001      .961 .917 . . . . . .
    88 1       .848      .906    . . . . . . .
    89 1        .52      .731 .219 . . . . . .
    90 1       .837         .    . . . 1 . . .
    91 1       .306         .    . 1 . . . . .
    92 2       .681         .    . 1 . . . . .
    93 1       .844      .762 .887 . . . . . .
    94 2       .739         .    . . 1 . . . .
    95 2       .795         . .472 . . . . . .
    96 1       .784         1 .919 . . . . . .
    97 2       .572         . .219 . . . . . .
    98 2       .665      .487 .495 . . . . . .
    label values group group_numeric
    label def group_numeric 1 "GROUP A", modify
    label def group_numeric 2 "GROUP B", modify
    Last edited by Tabitha Green; 16 Mar 2024, 16:00.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Tabitha Green View Post
    I need to calculate quality adjusted life years. . . . I have written the code and it works beautifully.
    Are you sure? The code you show for imputing values for six- and twelve-month visits for LTFU doesn't seem to do what its comment says it's supposed to. Ditto for deaths.

    But I can't work out how I would write the code to calculate the QALY-CFB or QALY-R versions. I just can't tend to "see" how the equations relate to the code. Is anyone here able to help me with what the code would be to calculate the QALY-CFB and the QALY-R?
    Here's my crack at it below.

    I imputed missing values as last observation carried forward instead of the baseline score for LTFU (and simple missed visits). And I didn't divide all of the QOL scores by two as you did, but otherwise the code should be okay.

    I also shortened the variable names for laziness. Both do-file and log file are attached if you're interested further.
    version 18.0
    clear *
    quietly input byte(pat_id group) ///
        double(eq5d5lscore0 eq5d5lscore6 eq5d5lscore12) ///
        byte(wd6mth ltfu6mth died6mth wd12mth ltfuv12mth died12mth)
    <redacted for brevity>
    rename pat_id pid
    assert inlist(group, 1, 2)
    generate byte trt = group == 2
    drop group
    label define Groups 0 A 1 B
    label values trt Groups
    rename eq5d5lscore* sco*
    rename wd*mth wid*
    rename ltfu*mth ltf*
    rename ltfv12 ltf12 // n.b.
    rename died*mth dea*
    foreach var of varlist w* l* d* {
        assert inlist(`var', 1, .)
        quietly replace `var' = 0 if missing(`var')
    * Begin here
    // Impute last observation carried forward for LTFU or missed-visit
    quietly generate double isc0 = sco0
    quietly generate double isc6 = cond(missing(sco6) & !wid6 & !dea6, sco0, sco6)
    quietly generate double isc12 = cond(missing(sco12) & !wid12 & !dea12, isc6, sco12)
    // Impute zero for death
    quietly replace isc6 = 0 if dea6
    quietly replace isc12 = 0 if dea6 | dea12
    // QALY-CFB
    quietly generate double cfb = (isc6 - sco0) / 2 + (isc12 - sco0) / 4
    quietly ttest cfb, by(trt)
    display in smcl as text "Incremental QALY-CFB: " as result %05.3f ///
        r(mu_1) - r(mu_2) " ± " %05.3f r(se) ///
        as text ", n = " as result r(N_1) ", " r(N_2)
    // QALY-AUC
    quietly reshape long sco isc dea ltf wid, i(pid) j(tim)
    bysort pid (tim): integ isc tim, double generate(auc) trapezoid
    quietly by pid: replace auc = . if mi(sco[1])
    quietly replace auc = auc / 12 // QALMonth → QALY
    quietly ttest auc if tim == 12, by(trt)
    display in smcl as text "Incremental QALY-AUC: " as result %05.3f ///
        r(mu_1) - r(mu_2) " ± " %05.3f r(se) ///
        as text ", n = " as result r(N_1) ", " r(N_2)
    // QALY-R
    quietly by pid: generate double sco0 = sco[1]
    regress auc i.trt c.sco0 if tim == 12
    display in smcl as text "Incremental QALY-R: " as result %05.3f ///
        _b[1.trt] " ± " %05.3f _se[1.trt] ///
        as text ", df = " as result e(df_r)
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thank you so much, I really appreciate it (and identifying that I hadn't imputed the values correctly in my code. I went back and checked and your were correct).

      Can I ask you a quick follow up? With the QALY-CFB, is the ttest line supposed to be at time 12 only too?

      ttest cfb, by(trt)
      ttest cfb if tim == 12, by(trt)


      • #4
        Oh sorry, that's because I re-ran the code a second time and missed the wide to long conversion was in the code after that line.

