In the following code, the gap between the xtitle and the xaxis is unnecessarily large. How can I make it smaller? Thanks!
twoway /// (func y=100*normalden(x), range(-3 3) lw(vthick) lcolor(navy)) /// (pcarrowi 0 -1 0 +1, lcolor(gray) mcolor(gray)) (pcarrowi 0 +1 0 -1, lcolor(gray) mcolor(gray)) /// (pcarrowi 10 -0.5 10 +0.5, lcolor(gray) mcolor(gray)) (pcarrowi 10 +0.5 10 -0.5, lcolor(gray) mcolor(gray)) /// , xlab(-3(.2)3, grid angle(90)) ylab(0(10)40, grid) legend(off) /// ytitle("Density", size(large)) xtitle("Standard deviations (Z) from the mean", size(large)) xscale(titlegap(1rs)) /// title("The standard normal probability density") /// subtitle("gives the slope of the cumulative standard normal distribution") /// text(2 0 "68%") text(12 0 "38%")