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  • Can't cluster when using pantob(Tobit and fixed effects)

    Hello everyone!
    I am using an unbalanced panel data from 2011 to 2022 to study the impact of the public search index of listed companies on OFDI. I hope to use pantob's tobit model to control the industry, province, and year fixed effects and cluster at the firm level. My other regression is mmqreg, but I encountered the problem of being unable to cluster when using pantob. I also tried xtpoisson regression but I still encountered the problem of being unable to cluster. Please tell me what I should do, or is there any other better way?
    Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
    Smith Shao:
    come comments about your post:
    1) as per FAQ, please use CODE delimiters instead of screenshots to share what you coded and what Stata gave you back. Thanks;
    2) the -pantob- routine is nit an official Stata module, As per FAQ, you're kindly requested to report this type of commands as community-contributed module. Thanks;
    3) as -xtpoisson- does not allow clustered standard errors, probably the community-contributed module -pantob- does not allow it either. Go bootstrap standard error, if feasible.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Hi Carlo Lazzaro:
      Thanks for your kind advice.Here is the code:

      pantob lnto esg_index age1 nstaff soe roa lev capital dyear2-dyear12 prov2-prov31 incode2-incode257
       xtpoisson lnto lnindex age1 nstaff soe roa lev capital i.year i.provid,fe
      What do you mean by this sentence "As per FAQ, you're kindly requested to report this type of commands as community-contributed module"?I guess you mean I should introduce pantob.
      So pantob is a model used to do tobit with fixed effects ,and it's available from
      Regarding your third suggestion, do you think the poisson regression on my case is feasible as ofdi is not a count variable?In addition,I've run -tobit- with lsdv, and I'm worried that the results are inconsistent.


      • #4
        Smith Shao:
        1) please post also what Stata gave you back within CODE dlimiters. Thanks;
        2) as per FAQ you're kindly requested to define non-official Stata commands as community-contributed modules (actually, you downloaded -pantob- from outside the Stata library). The reason underlying this recommedantion rests on the evidence that the same community-contributed module may have different releases floating around the cyberspace;
        3) -tobit- and -poisson- regressions have different theoretical roots. That sais, -poisson- with -vce(cluster clusterid)- is an option. The issue on how to retrieve the (conditional) fixed effect you're interested in still remains, though.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          1.Pantob (version 0.6).

          pantob implements the estimators developed in Honoré (1992).
          Date: 8/27/2009; slight revision 9/15/2009
          HTML Code:

          2.Firstly I tried -pantob- but cluster wasn't allowed and the code of -xtpoisson- is similar.
          pantob lnto esg_index age1 nstaff soe roa lev capital dyear2-dyear12  incode2-incode257,cluster(inid)
          option cluster() not allowed
           xtpoisson lnto lnindex age1 nstaff soe roa lev capital i.year i.provid,fe vce(cluster inid)
          option cluster not allowed
          so I tried -tobit- and it worked out, but I'm not sure whether it's appropriate
           tobit lnto lnindex age1 nstaff soe roa lev capital dyear2-dyear12  incode2-incode257,ll(0) vce(cluster code) nolog
          Tobit regression                                    Number of obs     = 11,016
                                                                     Uncensored = 11,016
          Limits: Lower =    0                                    Left-censored =      0
                  Upper = +inf                                   Right-censored =      0
                                                              F(202, 10815)     =      .
                                                              Prob > F          =      .
          Log pseudolikelihood = -23601.887                   Pseudo R2         = 0.0523
                                         (Std. err. adjusted for 2,541 clusters in code)
                       |               Robust
                  lnto | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
               lnindex |      0.182      0.044     4.17   0.000        0.096       0.267
                  age1 |     -0.010      0.008    -1.23   0.218       -0.025       0.006
                nstaff |      0.000      0.000    10.82   0.000        0.000       0.000
                   soe |      0.076      0.095     0.80   0.426       -0.111       0.263
                   roa |      0.528      0.059     8.97   0.000        0.413       0.644
                   lev |     -1.316      0.206    -6.40   0.000       -1.719      -0.913
               capital |      0.023      0.016     1.43   0.154       -0.009       0.056
                dyear2 |      0.296      0.765     0.39   0.699       -1.203       1.796
                dyear3 |      0.602      0.768     0.78   0.433       -0.904       2.10
          For the sake of brevity I only show part of the results.

          Can you give me further guidance?
          Thanks in advance!
          Last edited by Smith Shao; 17 Mar 2024, 08:04.

