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  • How to using esttab and run a balance check

    Hi, I want to ask how to use esttab and run a balance check. I don't know how to create a column for the difference between the value of control group and treatment group.

    Here is my code:

    regress abs ib1.hh_fem hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ ib1.al_roof ib1.indoor_t farm if (time2016==0 & treat_v==0 & NGO==0)
    est sto control
    regress abs ib1.hh_fem hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ ib1.al_roof ib1.indoor_t farm if (time2016==0 & treat_v==1 & NGO==1)
    est sto treatment
    eststo differences:  estpost ttest abs, by(treat_v) unequal
    esttab control treatment differences, keep (hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ) se(%9.3f) mtitles("Control" "Treatment" "differences")
    Many Thanks,

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-03-13 002635.png
Views:	1
Size:	17.2 KB
ID:	1746458

  • #2
    This worked for me.

    clear all
    sysuse auto, clear
    eststo e1: regress price displacement weight mpg if foreign
    eststo e2: regress price displacement weight mpg if ~foreign
    eststo e3: estpost ttest price displacement weight mpg, by(foreign) unequal
    esttab e1 e2 e3
    I don't know what "abs" is, but it's not in the models.


    • #3
      Hi, here is the specific type of balance check that I want to work on
      Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-03-31 161251.png
Views:	1
Size:	616.4 KB
ID:	1748383


      • #4
        Ok I know how to do it now. You are right. Thank you!

