Hi, I want to ask how to use esttab and run a balance check. I don't know how to create a column for the difference between the value of control group and treatment group.
Here is my code:
Many Thanks,
Here is my code:
regress abs ib1.hh_fem hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ ib1.al_roof ib1.indoor_t farm if (time2016==0 & treat_v==0 & NGO==0) est sto control regress abs ib1.hh_fem hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ ib1.al_roof ib1.indoor_t farm if (time2016==0 & treat_v==1 & NGO==1) est sto treatment eststo differences: estpost ttest abs, by(treat_v) unequal esttab control treatment differences, keep (hh_age hh_educ sp_age sp_educ) se(%9.3f) mtitles("Control" "Treatment" "differences")