Anyone can help figuring out how to add the significance stars as well as the intercept, aic, bic, etc to the logistic regression table of results? I'm doing the following code:
Here's what I obtain:
Thank you very much in advance.
Anyone can help figuring out how to add the significance stars as well as the intercept, aic, bic, etc to the logistic regression table of results? I'm doing the following code:
svyset [pweight = finwgt], psu(psu) strata(stratum) singleunit(centered) vce(robust) est clear collect clear local xvars "i.gender" foreach y of varlist y1 y2 { svy: logistic `y' `xvars' estimates store model_`y' } etable, estimates(model_y1 model_y2) /// showstars /// eqrecode(epouch = xb cpouch = xb) collect composite define CI = _r_lb _r_ub, trim delimiter("-") collect style cell colname[]#result[CI], sformat("(%s)") nformat(%6.2f) collect composite define beta = _r_b, trim collect stars _r_p .001 "***" .05 "**" .1 "*" , attach(beta) collect composite define beta_se = beta _r_se, trim collect composite define star = _r_p, trim collect style cell colname[]#result[beta_se CI], nformat(%7.2f) collect layout /// (coleq#colname[`xvars']#result[beta_se CI] result[N F]) /// (etable_depvar#stars[]) collect style header result[N], level(value) collect style showbase off collect preview
. collect preview ------------------------------ y1 y2 ------------------------------ Gender Male 2.00 (0.36) 2.52 (0.53) (1.40-2.86) (1.66-3.82) N 27420 26759 F 14.71 19.37 ------------------------------