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  • Allocated data and r(909)

    Dear all,
    for my Master thesis, I am using UKHLS data. I never encountered problems with opening the final dataset (4.5 GB). However, now I cannot open it anymore due to the r(909) error. I have 67,108,864 allocated data, and maybe I need to delete some to make space in the memory. But is this possible? Or are there other options? Also, right now, my max_memory is set at "." .

    Thank you very much in advance.
    Giovanni Greco

  • #2
    If you have previously had no difficulty opening this data set on the same system,* then most likely the problem lies with memory being taken up by other open applications. Your operating system also seem to be balking at a very stingy amount of allocated memory: 67,108,864 bytes of data isn't even one-tenth of one gigabyte!

    The most conservative thing to do is to shut down all other open applications and try again. It may be, however, that there are open applications you are unaware of working in the background, or chunks of "leaked" memory that were left behind by applications that didn't return everything they borrowed from the OS. So the next stage is to try shutting down your computer and re-booting from there. And then open this file in Stata before you restart any other applications you might normally want to open.

    *I mean system here in comprehensive terms: the same hardware, and the same operating system. In particular, if you have recently installed a new operating system, all bets are off.

