In Stata 17, the command below has produced the attached bar graph, which has two "over" variables. For the second "over" variable, "algor" (algorithm), I would like to display the bar graphs associated with algor==4 (SUMS) and algor==5 (DA) in a different color from the first three sets of bar graphs (algor<4). More specifically, I would like the interior of the SUMS and DA sets of bar graphs to be hollow.
graph bar (mean) freqstudrank1st if stud_rank_rank1st==1 & four_employers==0, over(stud_pref_rank1st) over(algor) ytitle(Frequency) yscale(range(0(0.2)1.05)) title(Frequency Student reciprocates top rank by Preference and Algorithm in 5x5 markets, size(small))
Any suggestions?
While useful, this article does not address my question:
graph bar (mean) freqstudrank1st if stud_rank_rank1st==1 & four_employers==0, over(stud_pref_rank1st) over(algor) ytitle(Frequency) yscale(range(0(0.2)1.05)) title(Frequency Student reciprocates top rank by Preference and Algorithm in 5x5 markets, size(small))
Any suggestions?
While useful, this article does not address my question: