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  • Generate sum of variable by two other variables in two-dimensional panel framework

    Dear Statalist,

    I use Stata 15 on a Windows device and have a dta.-file with two non-overlapping panel dimensions (e.g. var1: A-D and var2: E-H). For each possible combinations from var1 and var2 there is a maximum of one observation (sometimes there could also be no observation), which has one integer (var4) and one dummy variable (var3). I want to generate a new variable, that, for each row n, sums the values of var4 for all observations of var1, that have a 1-Dummy in their observation pair with the var2 value from row n. I want to illustrate the problem with the following data example:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str1(var1 var2) float(var3 var4 var5)
    "A" "E" 1 3 18
    "A" "F" 1 5 18
    "A" "G" 0 8 18
    "A" "H" 1 2 18
    "B" "E" 1 5 26
    "B" "F" 0 9 26
    "B" "G" 0 4 26
    "B" "H" 0 8 26
    "C" "E" 0 2 16
    "C" "F" 0 3 16
    "C" "G" 0 4 16
    "C" "H" 1 7 16
    "D" "E" 0 3 11
    "D" "F" 0 3 11
    "D" "G" 0 1 11
    "D" "H" 1 4 11
    In the example, var5 shows the sum of var4 by var1. The variable I'm looking for should have a value of 44 (26+18) in lines 1,5,9 and 13 (var2=E) as E has a 1-Dummy with var1 values A and B (see row 1 and 5). For var2 values of F, G and H, the var1 value should be 18 (sum var4 if var1 = A), 0 (no 1-Dummy) and 45 (sum var4 if var1 = A, C or D) respectively.

    Kind regards

  • #2
    by var2 (var1), sort: egen wanted = total(cond(var3 == 1, var5, .))
    sort var1 var2


    • #3
      That works perfect. Thanks a lot!

