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  • corrcii: invalid correlation for r = 1

    Nick Cox:

    Using corrcii (or corrci) (from SSC) for correlation coefficients with abs(r) = 1 yields the error message "invalid correlation". This is slightly unfortunate if corrcii (or corrci) is applied to a list of correlation coefficients from any correlation matrix.

    Wouldn't it be more convenient to modify the argument to atanh()in corrcii.ado (or corrci.ado) such as to subtract a tiny number from r if r = 1 (or to add if r = -1)? For example
    . scalar r = 1
    . corrcii 100 `=sign(r)*min(abs(r),`=1-5e-12')'
           n       r      95% confidence limits
         100      1.000      1.000     1.000
    . scalar r = -1
    . corrcii 100 `=sign(r)*min(abs(r),`=1-5e-12')'
           n       r      95% confidence limits
         100     -1.000     -1.000    -1.000
    . // see:
    . scalar r = -.9992
    . assert r == sign(r)*min(abs(r),`=1-5e-12')
    . scalar r = -1
    . assert r == sign(r)*min(abs(r),`=1-5e-12')
    assertion is false

  • #2
    Thanks for flagging this problem. I will think about what to do, but it won't involve an arbitrary fix.

    In any case, who is this a problem for? I see that throwing out correlations with magnitude 1 is deliberate in my corrcii code.

    A problem for me is that sometimes correlations of +1 or -1 are just vacuous (you correlated two variables that are exactly linearly related, such as a variable and itself) and sometimes they are just happenstance, usually in very small samples. (After all, two points distinct on two variables always imply a correlation with magnitude 1.)

    I am not clear that the two cases deserve the same treatment. There is no sampling error in the first case -- the same result would be seen in any sample data -- but sampling error possibly is the entire issue in the second case.

    At this moment I think the fix is just spelling out in the help why the command bounces the question back at the user.


    • #3
      At this moment I think the fix is just spelling out in the help why the command bounces the question back at the user.
      I agree -- and the user can then think why the data are that way or how to proceed.


      • #4
        Bye the way: Under "Software Updates" in The Stata Journal 20(4), p. 1028 [pr0041_3: Correlation with confidence, or Fisher’s z revisited] you write

        z ≡ atanhr = atanhρ + ρ/[2(n − 1)]
        Shoudn't it be z ≡ atanhr = atanhρ − ρ/[2(n − 1) , instead?


        • #5
          I will check this too.

