My subpopulation is asian females when I add additional covariates to the model the number of observations in the subpopulation changes. Is there a way to create an indicator for the analytic sample that has complete observations for all the variables in the full specification when running regression with svy subpopulation option?
gen asiansubpop1 = (nh_asian == 1 & female == 1)
svy, subpop(asiansubpop1==1): regress depressvar gen2 gen3 age
svy, subpop(asiansubpop1==1): regress depressvar gen2 gen3 age educ bio1_step1 bio1 oth_fam
The number of observations for the subpopulation changes when I add additional covariates to the model. Is there a way to keep the analytical sample consistent across models?