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  • Concentration index

    Can someone kindly assist?
    I am trying to replicate the table below using the STATA concindex command but looking at contraceptive use, which is binary, 0/1 as outcome variable and age, wealth and residence as covariates. I would like to have the group and micro data outputs. For example, the table below shows the conc. index for U5MR for each wealth group- this is where I would like to do the same for the micro data concindex analysis. What would be the STATA code for this kind of analysis?

    Many thanks in advance!
    Under-five deaths in India, 1982-92
    wealth group No. of births Rel % births cumul % births U5MR per 1,000 no. of deaths rel % deaths cumul % deaths conc. Index
    Poorest 29,939 23 23 154.7 4,632 30 30 -0.0008
    2nd 28,776 22 45 152.9 4,400 29 59 -0.0267
    Middle 26,528 20 66 119.5 3,170 21 79 -0.0592
    4th 24,689 19 85 86.9 2,145 14 93 -0.0827
    Richest 19,739 15 100 54.3 1,072 7 100 0.0000
    Total/average 129,671 118.8 15,419 -0.1694