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  • Generating variable which contains the share of observations in VTCS for each year


    I have data which looks like this:

    Year VTCS
    2009 0
    2009 0
    2009 1
    2009 0
    2010 1
    2010 1
    2010 0
    2010 0
    2011 0
    2011 0
    2011 0
    2011 0

    I want to generate a new variable indicating the percentage of observations that are 'VTCS' ovservations in each year i.e VTCS==1. So for example since in 2009 25% of observations are VTCS observations (1/4) then the variable would take the value 25 for all observations in 2009.

    So the new data would look like this :
    Year VTCS New Variable
    2009 0 25
    2009 0 25
    2009 1 25
    2009 0 25
    2010 1 50
    2010 1 50
    2010 0 50
    2010 0 50
    2011 0 0
    2011 0 0
    2011 0 0
    2011 0 0

    How can I implement something like this?

    Essentially I want to plot a twoway graph with the share of observations that are VTCS on the y axis, and year on the x axis.


  • #2
    assert inlist(VTCS, 0, 1)
    by year, sort: egen wanted = mean(VTCS)
    replace wanted = 100*wanted
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    Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 07 Mar 2024, 18:38.

