For my very basic OLS linear model, my dependent variable is weekly wages (lnwage) and one of my independent variables is union. I am trying to deflate the union wage premium to see wages if unions were not present. To do this, I am thinking I need to take the union wage/1+union premium. Since the union premium is the coefficient on union when regressed, is there a way to store this coefficient for me to be able to deflate wages and create a new variable for this seeing how many more people are below a certain income as a result?
Thank you.
For my very basic OLS linear model, my dependent variable is weekly wages (lnwage) and one of my independent variables is union. I am trying to deflate the union wage premium to see wages if unions were not present. To do this, I am thinking I need to take the union wage/1+union premium. Since the union premium is the coefficient on union when regressed, is there a way to store this coefficient for me to be able to deflate wages and create a new variable for this seeing how many more people are below a certain income as a result?
Thank you.