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  • Save names and scalar from a community-contributed command in a matrix

    Some community-contributed commands like xtoverid do not return a matrix of results similar to xtreg but sets of scalars, but I want to return them in a matrix with their names for easier referencing in a matrix after I have run a command and give the matrix a simple name. I know how to extract the scalars manually from this post OR how to automatically extract the names of the scalar from this post.

    use, clear
    xtset idcode year
    xtreg union age black
    * Matrix with the results
    matrix A = r(j) \r(jdf) \ r(jp)
    * Extract the scalar names
    local haus: r(scalars)
    Desired result would be a matrix like this, where the name of the matrix would be "hausmantest":
    j -294.19553
    jp 55.691719
    jdf -5.2825724
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Cheers, Felix
    Stata Version: MP 18.0
    OS: Windows 11

  • #2
    I figured that I need to write a little command myself. I have started to write the program but it does not work as intended. It returns nothing

    capture program drop mtxextract
    program define mtxextract
        args name
        local scalarnames: r(scalars)
        local scalarcount: word count `scalars''
        matrix define m`name'
        matrix rownumber = `scalarcount'
        matrix rownames = `scalarnames'
        matrix colnames = stat
        foreach na of `scalarnames' {
            local i = 0
            matrix[i,1] = r(`na')
    Last edited by Felix Kaysers; 06 Mar 2024, 16:15.
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Cheers, Felix
    Stata Version: MP 18.0
    OS: Windows 11


    • #3
      Here is a working version of a little program to extract the scalars from a command and put them into a matrix. Particularly useful when one wants to report the values directly in putdocx.

      program define mtxextract
      args name
      local scalarnames: r(scalars)
      local scalarcount: word count `scalarnames'
      * Create a matrix to store the scalar values
      matrix `name' = J(`scalarcount', 1, .)
      matrix rownames `name' = `scalarnames'
      matrix colnames `name' = "stat"
      * Initialize the index
      local i = 1
      * Iterate over scalar names and assign their values to the matrix
      foreach na of local scalarnames {
      matrix `name'[`i', 1] = r(`na')
      local ++i
      matrix list `name'
      __________________________________________________ __________

      Cheers, Felix
      Stata Version: MP 18.0
      OS: Windows 11

