In my regression, my dependent variable is University (Decision children make on whether they want to go to University). Independent variable is Private Schooling (Categorical for Private/ State schooling). In the sample there are a small proportion of people in Private compared to State Schooling, which perhaps is causing insignificance in the Private Schooling Variable of 0.7.
So I decided to use Interaction Terms. I interacted Private Schooling and Household Income as well as for Ethnicity (White). This resulted in a significant result for Private Schooling, but the coefficient doesn't seem correct (-390) and the Marginal effect being (-14). Is this correct and how do you think I should interpret these results?
Any help would be much appreciated!
In my regression, my dependent variable is University (Decision children make on whether they want to go to University). Independent variable is Private Schooling (Categorical for Private/ State schooling). In the sample there are a small proportion of people in Private compared to State Schooling, which perhaps is causing insignificance in the Private Schooling Variable of 0.7.
So I decided to use Interaction Terms. I interacted Private Schooling and Household Income as well as for Ethnicity (White). This resulted in a significant result for Private Schooling, but the coefficient doesn't seem correct (-390) and the Marginal effect being (-14). Is this correct and how do you think I should interpret these results?
Any help would be much appreciated!