In my regression, my dependent variable is University (Decision children make on whether they want to go to University). Independent variable is Private Schooling (Categorical for Private/ State schooling). In the sample there are a small proportion of people in Private compared to State Schooling, which perhaps is causing insignificance in the Private Schooling Variable of 0.7.
I’ve tried using Clustering Robustness with respect to Private Schooling and it reduced my p-value to 0.053. Is using VCE (cluster, Private_school) a viable method to use for robustness in my Logit model? Or is there any other method I can use to reduce my p-value to become significant.
I have attached a photo so you can see the difference in p-values and the code I used to do the clustered standard errors.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
In my regression, my dependent variable is University (Decision children make on whether they want to go to University). Independent variable is Private Schooling (Categorical for Private/ State schooling). In the sample there are a small proportion of people in Private compared to State Schooling, which perhaps is causing insignificance in the Private Schooling Variable of 0.7.
I’ve tried using Clustering Robustness with respect to Private Schooling and it reduced my p-value to 0.053. Is using VCE (cluster, Private_school) a viable method to use for robustness in my Logit model? Or is there any other method I can use to reduce my p-value to become significant.
I have attached a photo so you can see the difference in p-values and the code I used to do the clustered standard errors.
Any advice would be much appreciated!