Suppose I run a single regression with two independent variables, e.g.
Suppose I want to examine the (two) hypotheses that coefficients on mpg and rep78 are zero; and assume that I want to obtain corrected p-values using the wyoung command. Does anyone know how to do this? I have tried a few variants on:
However, none of these seem to work. Also, I can't find any examples in the documentation where we run many hypothesis tests but just use one model. Perhaps the issue is that Westfall-Young corrected p-values are not computable in this case?
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or pointers.
sysuse auto, clear reg price mpg rep78
wyoung, cmd("reg price mpg rep78") familyp(mpg rep78) bootstraps(100) seed(20)
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or pointers.