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  • calculating standardised incidence rates by year with dstdize after stsplit

    Hi all, I'm trying to calculate European standardised incidence rates by year stratified by sex with my cohort data for survival data with a 15-year follow-up (2000–2015). However, the incidence rates I got after stsplit by the calendar year don't seem right. It seems like it's not using person-years but population N. Any suggestions on correcting this? The codes I used are below:

    stset outcome, scale(365.25) id(id) failure(death==1) enter(enter_time) exit(end_date)
    gen t=round(_t)
    replace t=1 if t==0 & _d==1

    stsplit period, after (time=mdy(1,1,2000)) at (1(1) 15)
    dstdize _d t ageband if period==2000, by (sex) format (%9.6f) using (europend_stand)

    The europend_stand file contains ageband population information of the European standard population. The incidence rates I got seem to be a 10-fold difference when compared to crude rates with other commands. Thanks for the help.