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  • Year fixed effect on Pooled OLS - missing one year period

    Hello Statalist,

    I'm about to replicate this Pooled OLS estimation from World Happiness Report (Table 8, page 18): https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaw...l_Appendix.pdf

    I believe I used the same data, however my estimation result kind of different from the orginal work and (I think) that's because my estimation missed one year fixed effect. The time fixed effect should be from 2005-2022 but mine was 2006-2022. The data is from 1990-2022 so it actually included 2005 data as well but with many missing data. And I'm struggle to include the 2005 data so it can appear on the estimation. Here's the data example:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int Year long country1 double(happiness_score log_GDP_per_capita life_expectancy social_support freedom generosity perceptions_corruption)
    1990 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1991 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1992 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1993 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1994 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1995 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1996 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1997 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1998 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1999 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2000 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2001 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2002 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2003 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2004 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2005 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2006 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2007 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2008 1 3.7235898971557617   7.35041618347168               50.5  .4506623148918152  .7181143164634705     .1676524579524994 .8816863298416138
    2009 1  4.401778221130371  7.508646011352539  50.79999923706055  .5523084402084351  .6788963675498962    .19080880284309387 .8500354290008545
    2010 1  4.758380889892578 7.6138997077941895 51.099998474121094  .5390751957893372  .6001272201538086    .12131604552268982 .7067660689353943
    2011 1  3.831719160079956  7.581258773803711 51.400001525878906    .52110356092453  .4959014058113098    .16357149183750153  .731108546257019
    2012 1  3.782937526702881  7.660505771636963  51.70000076293945  .5206367373466492  .5309350490570068     .2375875860452652 .7756198048591614
    2013 1 3.5721004009246826  7.680333137512207                 52 .48355185985565186  .5779553651809692    .06266622245311737 .8232041001319885
    2014 1 3.1308956146240234  7.670638084411621  52.29999923706055   .525568425655365  .5085140466690063    .10575488209724426 .8712419867515564
    2015 1 3.9828546047210693  7.653833389282227 52.599998474121094  .5285972356796265  .3889275789260864    .08165227621793747 .8806383013725281
    2016 1  4.220168590545654  7.650369644165039  52.92499923706055  .5590717792510986  .5225661993026733   .043916016817092896 .7932455539703369
    2017 1 2.6617181301116943  7.647830486297607              53.25  .4908800721168518  .4270108640193939   -.11941047012805939 .9543925523757935
    2018 1  2.694303274154663  7.630800724029541  53.57500076293945  .5075158476829529 .37353554368019104   -.09110598266124725 .9276056885719299
    2019 1  2.375091791152954  7.640085697174072 53.900001525878906 .41997286677360535  .3936561644077301   -.10601644963026047 .9238491058349609
    2020 1                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2021 1 2.4360344409942627  7.324032306671143  54.54999923706055  .4541746973991394   .394305944442749   -.08101112395524979 .9462993741035461
    2022 1 1.2812711000442505                  .             54.875  .2282172292470932   .368377149105072                     . .7331978678703308
    1990 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1991 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1992 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1993 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1994 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1995 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1996 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1997 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1998 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1999 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2000 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2001 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2002 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2003 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2004 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2005 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2006 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2007 2  4.634251594543457    9.1217041015625  66.76000213623047  .8213716149330139  .5286047458648682  -.010428507812321186 .8746995329856873
    2008 2                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2009 2  5.485469818115234  9.241429328918457  67.31999969482422  .8330466151237488  .5252232551574707    -.1592588573694229 .8636654019355774
    2010 2  5.268936634063721  9.282793045043945   67.5999984741211  .7331522703170776  .5689584016799927    -.1736752837896347 .7262616753578186
    2011 2  5.867421627044678  9.310619354248047  67.87999725341797  .7594338059425354  .4874962568283081   -.20618607103824615 .8770025968551636
    2012 2  5.510124206542969  9.326343536376953  68.16000366210938  .7845017910003662  .6015121340751648   -.17046748101711273 .8476752042770386
    2013 2  4.550647735595703  9.338146209716797  68.44000244140625  .7594767212867737  .6318302750587463    -.1288250982761383  .862904965877533
    2014 2   4.81376314163208  9.357805252075195  68.72000122070313  .6255869269371033  .7346484065055847  -.026297539472579956 .8827044367790222
    2015 2 4.6066508293151855  9.382661819458008                 69  .6393561363220215  .7038506865501404   -.08249161392450333 .8847930431365967
    2016 2  4.511100769042969   9.41687297821045   69.0250015258789  .6384114623069763  .7298189401626587  -.018664082512259483  .901070773601532
    2017 2  4.639548301696777  9.455109596252441  69.05000305175781  .6376982927322388  .7496110200881958  -.030505668371915817 .8761346340179443
    2018 2 5.0044026374816895  9.496984481811523  69.07499694824219  .6835916638374329  .8242123126983643   .007197479251772165 .8991293907165527
    2019 2 4.9953179359436035  9.521909713745117   69.0999984741211  .6863648891448975   .777351438999176    -.1009097695350647 .9142842888832092
    2020 2  5.364909648895264  9.492215156555176             69.125  .7101150155067444  .7536710500717163   .004123116377741098 .8913589715957642
    2021 2  5.255481719970703  9.583207130432129   69.1500015258789  .7018827795982361  .8274527192115784    .04137755185365677 .8961266279220581
    2022 2  5.212213039398193  9.626482963562012  69.17500305175781  .7240896224975586  .8022497892379761   -.06598725914955139 .8455019593238831
    1990 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1991 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1992 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1993 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1994 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1995 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1996 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1997 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1998 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1999 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2000 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2001 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2002 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2003 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2004 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2005 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2006 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2007 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2008 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2009 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2010 3  5.463566780090332  9.306354522705078               65.5                  .  .5926958322525024   -.20975297689437866 .6180378794670105
    2011 3   5.31719446182251  9.315958023071289   65.5999984741211  .8102344870567322  .5295612812042236   -.18508440256118774  .637981653213501
    2012 3   5.60459566116333  9.329961776733398  65.69999694824219  .8393968939781189  .5866634845733643   -.17657119035720825 .6901163458824158
    2013 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2014 3  6.354898452758789  9.355415344238281   65.9000015258789  .8181894421577454                  .                     .                 .
    2015 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    2016 3  5.340853691101074  9.383312225341797   66.0999984741211  .7485882639884949                  .                     .                 .
    2017 3  5.248912334442139   9.37665843963623  66.19999694824219  .8067538738250732  .4366704821586609    -.1714705228805542 .6997742056846619
    2018 3  5.043086051940918  9.369553565979004  66.30000305175781  .7986513376235962  .5833805799484253   -.15055912733078003 .7587041258811951
    2019 3  4.744627475738525  9.361109733581543   66.4000015258789  .8032586574554443  .3850834369659424 .00026843760861083865  .740609347820282
    2020 3  5.437755107879639  9.291438102722168               66.5  .8676488995552063  .5738906860351563   -.12114762514829636 .7242636680603027
    2021 3  5.217017650604248    9.3092622756958   66.5999984741211  .8407102823257446  .5584869384765625   -.11348341405391693 .7119000554084778
    2022 3                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    1990 4                  .                  .                  .                  .                  .                     .                 .
    label values country1 country1
    label def country1 1 "Afghanistan", modify
    label def country1 2 "Albania", modify
    label def country1 3 "Algeria", modify
    label def country1 4 "Angola", modify

    Here's the command I used:
    xtset country1 Year
    reg happiness_score log_GDP_per_capita social_support life_expectancy freedom generosity perceptions_corruption i.Year, vce (cluster Country)
    and the result:
    Linear regression                               Number of obs     =      1,903
                                                    F(22, 147)        =          .
                                                    Prob > F          =          .
                                                    R-squared         =     0.7629
                                                    Root MSE          =     .56118
                                   (Std. err. adjusted for 148 clusters in Country)
                  |               Robust
    happiness_s~e | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
    log_GDP_per~a |   .3675455   .0686916     5.35   0.000     .2317949    .5032961
    social_supp~t |   2.512036   .3649847     6.88   0.000     1.790741    3.233331
    life_expect~y |   .0279644    .010497     2.66   0.009     .0072198     .048709
          freedom |   1.262733   .3080191     4.10   0.000     .6540158    1.871451
       generosity |   .5726625   .2571264     2.23   0.027     .0645207    1.080804
    perceptions~n |  -.7058856   .2648248    -2.67   0.009    -1.229241     -.18253
             Year |
            2006  |  -.4057297   .0850824    -4.77   0.000    -.5738724   -.2375871
            2007  |   -.160866   .0880224    -1.83   0.070    -.3348189    .0130868
            2008  |  -.0279241     .08615    -0.32   0.746    -.1981765    .1423283
            2009  |  -.1571314   .0961686    -1.63   0.104     -.347183    .0329201
            2010  |   -.238375   .0876574    -2.72   0.007    -.4116065   -.0651435
            2011  |  -.2236417   .0856636    -2.61   0.010     -.392933   -.0543504
            2012  |  -.2462114   .0853725    -2.88   0.005    -.4149274   -.0774955
            2013  |  -.3449375   .0909533    -3.79   0.000    -.5246823   -.1651926
            2014  |   -.388323   .0838999    -4.63   0.000    -.5541289   -.2225172
            2015  |  -.3748464   .0815806    -4.59   0.000    -.5360688    -.213624
            2016  |  -.4021505   .0812837    -4.95   0.000     -.562786    -.241515
            2017  |  -.3293431   .0799498    -4.12   0.000    -.4873425   -.1713437
            2018  |  -.3179049   .0802556    -3.96   0.000    -.4765086   -.1593012
            2019  |  -.3137922   .0798687    -3.93   0.000    -.4716313   -.1559531
            2020  |  -.3063681   .0772614    -3.97   0.000    -.4590547   -.1536815
            2021  |  -.3471287   .0742407    -4.68   0.000    -.4938458   -.2004117
            2022  |  -.3425818   .0729706    -4.69   0.000    -.4867887   -.1983749
            _cons |  -1.900342   .5420774    -3.51   0.001    -2.971613   -.8290705

    Please I need any advice on how to include the 2005 year fixed effects and if anything I do was wrong at the beginning. Thank you in advance

  • #2
    Well, in your example data, all of the regression variables hav nothing but missing values through 2006. So the data really begins at 2007, from which point on there is no missing data at all through 2022. So, treating this as a dataset running from 2007 through 2022 (which, for present purposes, it is) you should expect to see an output for every year between 2007 through 2022 with the exception of one year omitted as the reference year. As your code does not specify which year you want to be the reference year, by default, Stata chooses 2007 for that role. Consequently the output shows a row for every year from 2008 through 2022. This is exactly what should be expected.

    So I don't think there's anything wrong with your code as written (well, except that you say -vce(cluster Country)- when there is no variable named Country, but substituting country1 seems to do something sensible). Either the vast amount of missing data in your data set represents errors in the data management that created it, or, your expectation of seeing output from every year starting with 2005 is in error.

    Now, probably your full data set has some data for years earlier than 2007. But I will bet that it does not have any data prior to 2005, and if 2005 is, in fact, the earliest year for which there really is data is 2005. And if that's right, then you should expect to see output only for 2006 through 2022. You can verify what years are actually included in the analysis after you run the regression by running
    tab Year if e(sample)
    This list will be the same as the list of Years in the regression table, except that the first one will not appear in the regression table. The reference category is always missing.

    The reason for this omission, of course, is colinearity. If you prefer, you can overcome the colinearity in a different way: specify the -nocons- option on your regression command. That way you will see the full list of Years that have data in the regression output, no omissions, but there will be no constant term. The results for those Years, by the way, will be rather different from what you have gotten with your present aproach--that is normal. Those Year outputs are meaningless in any case: only differences between years are meaningful. And if you take the trouble to calculate a few to convince yourself, you will see that, except perhaps for minor rounding errors, the differences between corresponding years are the same both ways.

    By the way, is there a reason you chose not to include an i.country1 term in your regression? Your model includes Year fixed effects, but not country fixed-effects.

