q1. does anyone know what the -asobserved- graph means? I suspect it's a combination of both procedure=0 and procedure= 1.
How do i get rid of it?
q2. Why is my legend outcome1 (green) different to the green showing in the graphs when I'm using the same code: dkgreen
How do i get rid of it?
q2. Why is my legend outcome1 (green) different to the green showing in the graphs when I'm using the same code: dkgreen
meologit q1_ i.procedure##pre_postno || ptid:, vce(robust) margins procedure# # pre_postno marginsplot, by(procedure) plot1opts(lcolor(dkgreen) mcolor(dkgreen)) ci1opts(lcolor(dkgreen)) plot2opts(lcolor(orange_red) mcolor(orange_red__ ci2opts(lcolor(orange_red)) plot3opts(lcolor(cranberry) mcolor(cranberry)) ci3opts(lcolor(cranberry)) plot4opts(lcolor(sienna) mcolor(sienna)) ci4opts(lcolor(sienna)) plot5opts(lcolor(blue) mcolor(blue)) ci5opts(lcolor(blue)) plotregion(margin(large)) ylabel(.1(.1).5) legend(order(1 "Outcome 0" 2 "Outcome 1" 3 "Outcome 2" 4 "Outcome 3" 5 "Outcome 4") rows(1) post(6)) scheme(white_jet)