I estimated a 9 equations mvprobit model. Because this get so many hours to finished, I usually save the results for the pos estimation analysis.
Suppose the following code:
That's all right. And when I change the command "if 1" to "if 0" the estimated model is recovered. But if Stata is restarted and the same code is executed with "if 0" option I get:
Does the same occur in your system? I use Stata 17 and Windows system. What am I doing wrong?
Suppose the following code:
drop _all
estimates clear
cd C:\POF\engel
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r7/school.dta, clear
if 1 {
mvprobit (private = years logptax loginc) (vote = years logptax loginc)
estimates save est_mvprobit, replace
estimates store est_mvprobit
else {
estimates use est_mvprobit
estimates clear
cd C:\POF\engel
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r7/school.dta, clear
if 1 {
mvprobit (private = years logptax loginc) (vote = years logptax loginc)
estimates save est_mvprobit, replace
estimates store est_mvprobit
else {
estimates use est_mvprobit
. drop _all
. estimates clear
. cd C:\POF\engel
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r7/school.dta, clear
. if 0 {
. mvprobit (private = years logptax loginc) (vote = years logptax loginc)
. estimates save est_mvprobit, replace
. estimates store est_mvprobit
. }
. else {
. estimates use est_mvprobit
. estimates
active results
option neq() not allowed
. }
end of do-file
. estimates clear
. cd C:\POF\engel
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r7/school.dta, clear
. if 0 {
. mvprobit (private = years logptax loginc) (vote = years logptax loginc)
. estimates save est_mvprobit, replace
. estimates store est_mvprobit
. }
. else {
. estimates use est_mvprobit
. estimates
active results
option neq() not allowed
. }
end of do-file