Hi everyone,
I am trying to have one output summary table in one Excel file from multiple files that have sam variable names "epiweek" and "region", the files have different observations count.
here an example of my data file
input byte epiweek str6 region
1 "abha "
1 "jeddah"
1 "jouf"
1 "hasaa"
1 "jazan"
1 "najran"
1 "makkah"
1 "makkah"
1 "jeddah"
1 "hasaa"
I tried using the below commands but it gives me separate summary output files xlsx. which is not the goal, they should be in one file.
clear all
forvalues d = 1/3 {
use "/Users/Desktop/multi_files/example_`d'.dta", clear
encode region, gen(regs)
dtable i.regs, export("/Users/Desktop/multi_files/example4", as(xlsx) sheet(Sheet1) cell(A1) replace)
kindly for your feedback please
I am trying to have one output summary table in one Excel file from multiple files that have sam variable names "epiweek" and "region", the files have different observations count.
here an example of my data file
input byte epiweek str6 region
1 "abha "
1 "jeddah"
1 "jouf"
1 "hasaa"
1 "jazan"
1 "najran"
1 "makkah"
1 "makkah"
1 "jeddah"
1 "hasaa"
I tried using the below commands but it gives me separate summary output files xlsx. which is not the goal, they should be in one file.
clear all
forvalues d = 1/3 {
use "/Users/Desktop/multi_files/example_`d'.dta", clear
encode region, gen(regs)
dtable i.regs, export("/Users/Desktop/multi_files/example4", as(xlsx) sheet(Sheet1) cell(A1) replace)
kindly for your feedback please