I am using metan to display results from published studies alongside some similated results.
A minor point, but why does the confidence interval for the RCT subgroup differ subtly from that of the single trial?! Is it trying to force symetry lost due to a rounding error, when I inputted my simulated results?
Is there a way to get metan not to attempt to pool the result from a single study? I do want the pooled results from the other subgroups.
clear input str15 Study str32 Estimate double(RR LL UL) "Study 1" "Naive result, as published" 0.22 0.01 3.81 "Study 2" "Naive result, as published" 0.31 0.04 2.29 "Study 3" "Naive result, as published" 0.40 0.13 1.27 "Sim_Study 1" "Simulated, standard assumptions" 0.33 0.024 4.6 "Sim_Study 2" "Simulated, standard assumptions" 0.33 0.06 1.8 "Sim_Study 3" "Simulated, standard assumptions" 0.32 0.093 1.1 "Sim_Study 1" "Simulated, low assumptions" 0.49 0.044 5.5 "Sim_Study 2" "Simulated, low assumptions" 0.45 0.09 2.2 "Sim_Study 3" "Simulated, low assumptions" 0.47 0.15 1.4 "Sim_Study 1" "Simulated, high assumptions" 0.14 0.0048 4.4 "Sim_Study 2" "Simulated, high assumptions" 0.15 0.016 1.4 "Sim_Study 3" "Simulated, high assumptions" 0.36 0.038 3.4 "Study 4" "RCT" 0.42 0.05 3.28 end gen ln_RR=ln(RR) gen ln_LL=ln(LL) gen ln_UL=ln(UL) metan ln_RR ln_LL ln_UL, eform effect("RR") random null(1) lcols(Study) by(Estimate) nooverall
Is there a way to get metan not to attempt to pool the result from a single study? I do want the pooled results from the other subgroups.